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billyboy 9th January 2018 08:50

Here you are RED 17, A gold card of your very own, Linked to my account.
Tom I look forward to trying that "rest your aunt"
I would suggest we all meet up there after having a look round and before going out on the town tonight.

Tom Alexander 10th January 2018 06:17


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 10818)
Here you are RED 17, A gold card of your very own, Linked to my account.
Tom I look forward to trying that "rest your aunt"
I would suggest we all meet up there after having a look round and before going out on the town tonight.

Sounds like a plan !! :angel:

billyboy 10th January 2018 08:31

Just asked a lady if she could take American Express. she replied "yes, you can be fast as you like with me"

Tom Alexander 11th January 2018 05:28


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 10830)
Just asked a lady if she could take American Express. she replied "yes, you can be fast as you like with me"

Sounds like a quickly !! :supercool:

YM-Mundrabilla 11th January 2018 06:54

How is it that Red gets showered with exotic credit cards ?????????

Red-17 11th January 2018 08:06


Originally Posted by YM-Mundrabilla (Post 10848)
How is it that Red gets showered with exotic credit cards ?????????

Maybe it's because I am exotic and deserve such treatment. :angel:

billyboy 11th January 2018 09:05

She also happens to be our only regular serving Lady aboard at the moment. the other ladies are on leave. she is a very valuable crew member who also helps look after our sick bay.
Exotic? ... yes I think so, only have to see the way she walks around our pool to Exotic class on the move.

YM-Mundrabilla 11th January 2018 10:50

Just making doubly sure that I said 'exotic' .................. renowned as I am for tact, tolerance and political correctness.

Dartskipper 11th January 2018 21:12


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 10851)
She also happens to be our only regular serving Lady aboard at the moment. the other ladies are on leave. she is a very valuable crew member who also helps look after our sick bay.
Exotic? ... yes I think so, only have to see the way she walks around our pool to Exotic class on the move.

Red17 is about the only "regular" member of the crew on this bucket!!!!!:jump:

Farmer John 11th January 2018 22:55

Bucket? It is pronounced bouquet, and don't you forget it.

billyboy 12th January 2018 00:07

Lets face it guys. without a lady aboard to keep us moderated we would be in a real mess.

Splendid meal Tom, Now shall we take a stroll around the old town. Oh my!! Poor lady sat in her bay window with just her underwear look! cant afford curtains poor thing.

YM-Mundrabilla 12th January 2018 02:02


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 10872)
Lets face it guys. without a lady aboard to keep us moderated we would be in a real mess.

Splendid meal Tom, Now shall we take a stroll around the old town. Oh my!! Poor lady sat in her bay window with just her underwear look! cant afford curtains poor thing.

That's why Red holds the credit cards.

Tom Alexander 12th January 2018 05:27


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 10872)
Lets face it guys. without a lady aboard to keep us moderated we would be in a real mess.

Splendid meal Tom, Now shall we take a stroll around the old town. Oh my!! Poor lady sat in her bay window with just her underwear look! cant afford curtains poor thing.

Seems like there are many ladies in the same situation. (Maybe the air conditioning has broken down?) Perhaps as an international statement of good will, Tmac could fix it for them? :kiss:

billyboy 12th January 2018 05:56

I am sure the ladies would appreciate a jesture like that Tom.

Oh look!...a sign saying "this way for Black bush specials"

McCloggie 12th January 2018 07:32

Are you sure you are in the right town Sir W?

Copenhagen aint Amsterdam!


billyboy 12th January 2018 08:32

A very old part of town the Golden dreamer seems to find ha ha

Red-17 12th January 2018 11:54


Originally Posted by Tom Alexander (Post 10874)
Seems like there are many ladies in the same situation. (Maybe the air conditioning has broken down?) Perhaps as an international statement of good will, Tmac could fix it for them? :kiss:

Why would you ask Tmac to fix air-conditioning? He is an injuneer , not an electrician!
C'mon Tom, I thought that you would have known better.

Red-17 12th January 2018 11:59


Originally Posted by Dartskipper (Post 10869)
Red17 is about the only "regular" member of the crew on this bucket!!!!!:jump:

Ummm ? Regular? Just what do you mean by that 'Butterfly'? My habits, my demeanour, my behaviour? Please explain. :huh:

Red-17 12th January 2018 12:06


Originally Posted by Dartskipper (Post 10869)
Red17 is about the only "regular" member of the crew on this bucket!!!!!:jump:

Are you saying that I am boring? :bad_mad: Go on 'Butterfly' I dare you! :cloud:

Dartskipper 12th January 2018 20:54

"Regular" as in all round good type/sort/bloke/ gal/ (delete as appropriate.)

Also non-eccentric, reliable, trustworthy, honest, turns up to take the watch on time, etc. etc. :thumb:

Can also enjoy the various scrapes and escapades in the runs ashore that usually end up in mayhem and a race back to GDII with the local constabulary. :jump:

billyboy 12th January 2018 23:18

Yep.....sounds like my ship all right Dartskipper.

Tom Alexander 13th January 2018 06:11


Originally Posted by Red-17 (Post 10879)
Why would you ask Tmac to fix air-conditioning? He is an injuneer , not an electrician!
C'mon Tom, I thought that you would have known better.

Hi! Red.

The Reader's Digest explanation is that we do not have a refrigeration injuneer aboard, but the operative word is "injuneer". And, indeed, although Tmac might beg to differ, aboard ship it is not like departmentalised union jobs ashore, we (all the crew that is) have to have knowledge of all the systems aboard to some degree.

Most refrigeration systems are, as you indicated are electrical driven, but the end result is achieved by motion; either rotary, or reciprocal. The normal pecking order of things is that the "reefer" injuneer is part of the injuneering department, and under the direction of the chief injuneer, in this case, Tmac. It is thus necessary that Tmac have a more than general working knowledge of refrigeration, just as we "deckies" are required to have a knowledge of the limitations of the injuneering applications in general, whether it be the electrical or steam demand for winches, windlasses, cargo lights, pool heaters, injuns, fuel consumption, etc. Even the air conditioning usually falls under the durisdiction of the "reefer" injuneer -- but in the overall view, the buck does not stop with him but passes up to the Captain, then to the Commodore, and then to the Owner.

Deckies are also responsible for the condition of Fire Fighting equipment, the safe operation and maintenance of deck equipment, the loading and stability of the ship, above deck maintenance in general, the maintnenace of Lifeboat stores and launching apparatus, the maintenance of both standing and running rigging, together with the administration of pilotage and berthing requirements, plus the clearance of customs and other myriad and varying National requirements.

Now, in this day and age, 'ealf and safety expect us to be fully conversant with firefighting all the different classifications of fire, whether chemical, electrical, etc., and to also be well versed in industrial first aid.

Then everyone else expects us to actually get them to where they want to go!!!

And you thought all we do is stand on the bridge and drink rum. :pint:

billyboy 13th January 2018 07:45

And you thought all we do is stand on the bridge and drink rum

Nah...we all know you dont do that all the time Tom ....nearly all the time heh heh heh

YM-Mundrabilla 13th January 2018 07:49

Phew, all those things to know and do ............
At least we can leave the First Aid to Red. Thankfully!

Dartskipper 13th January 2018 09:43


Originally Posted by Tom Alexander (Post 10894)
Hi! Red.

The Reader's Digest explanation is that we do not have a refrigeration injuneer aboard, but the operative word is "injuneer". And, indeed, although Tmac might beg to differ, aboard ship it is not like departmentalised union jobs ashore, we (all the crew that is) have to have knowledge of all the systems aboard to some degree.

Most refrigeration systems are, as you indicated are electrical driven, but the end result is achieved by motion; either rotary, or reciprocal. The normal pecking order of things is that the "reefer" injuneer is part of the injuneering department, and under the direction of the chief injuneer, in this case, Tmac. It is thus necessary that Tmac have a more than general working knowledge of refrigeration, just as we "deckies" are required to have a knowledge of the limitations of the injuneering applications in general, whether it be the electrical or steam demand for winches, windlasses, cargo lights, pool heaters, injuns, fuel consumption, etc. Even the air conditioning usually falls under the durisdiction of the "reefer" injuneer -- but in the overall view, the buck does not stop with him but passes up to the Captain, then to the Commodore, and then to the Owner.

And you thought all we do is stand on the bridge and drink rum. :pint:

Ah, I think the owner missed that bit Cap'n Tom. Basically, what you are saying, is that it's all Sir William's fault?

billyboy 13th January 2018 10:21

of course it is...always was, always will be ha ha

Red-17 13th January 2018 23:27


Originally Posted by Tom Alexander (Post 10894)
Hi! Red.

The Reader's Digest explanation is that we do not have a refrigeration injuneer aboard, but the operative word is "injuneer". And, indeed, although Tmac might beg to differ, aboard ship it is not like departmentalised union jobs ashore, we (all the crew that is) have to have knowledge of all the systems aboard to some degree.

Most refrigeration systems are, as you indicated are electrical driven, but the end result is achieved by motion; either rotary, or reciprocal. The normal pecking order of things is that the "reefer" injuneer is part of the injuneering department, and under the direction of the chief injuneer, in this case, Tmac. It is thus necessary that Tmac have a more than general working knowledge of refrigeration, just as we "deckies" are required to have a knowledge of the limitations of the injuneering applications in general, whether it be the electrical or steam demand for winches, windlasses, cargo lights, pool heaters, injuns, fuel consumption, etc. Even the air conditioning usually falls under the durisdiction of the "reefer" injuneer -- but in the overall view, the buck does not stop with him but passes up to the Captain, then to the Commodore, and then to the Owner.

Deckies are also responsible for the condition of Fire Fighting equipment, the safe operation and maintenance of deck equipment, the loading and stability of the ship, above deck maintenance in general, the maintnenace of Lifeboat stores and launching apparatus, the maintenance of both standing and running rigging, together with the administration of pilotage and berthing requirements, plus the clearance of customs and other myriad and varying National requirements.

Now, in this day and age, 'ealf and safety expect us to be fully conversant with firefighting all the different classifications of fire, whether chemical, electrical, etc., and to also be well versed in industrial first aid.

Then everyone else expects us to actually get them to where they want to go!!!

And you thought all we do is stand on the bridge and drink rum. :pint:

Whew! :sweat: Well, I am pleased to have all that out in the open. Thanks Tom, such a lot to learn about the running of the ship. I am pleased that I only have to worry about medical emergencies and the on board farm and garden. Also, 'ealf and safety, which, as we all know, is everyone's responsibility.

Is it too early for a glass of Dom? Anyone interested, I'm buying.

billyboy 14th January 2018 03:49

Steward, a Bottle of Ice cold Dom for RED17 if you Please. put it on my tab if you will.

Tom Alexander 14th January 2018 06:24


Originally Posted by Red-17 (Post 10907)
Whew! :sweat: Well, I am pleased to have all that out in the open. Thanks Tom, such a lot to learn about the running of the ship. I am pleased that I only have to worry about medical emergencies and the on board farm and garden. Also, 'ealf and safety, which, as we all know, is everyone's responsibility.

Is it too early for a glass of Dom? Anyone interested, I'm buying.

I'll be delighted to join you in a glass of Dom. The one thing we appreciate is your soft and gentle touch when it comes to 'ealf and safety. (You obviously haven't locqted Sister Eleff's stash of needles yet. You know the big old fashioned chromium plated ones they usually reserve for horses and other large ruminants.) Ooopps!! I think I might have let the cat out of the bag so to speak. :bye:

billyboy 14th January 2018 07:06

ha ha ha... Most Hypodermical Tom....Cheers!

Farmer John 14th January 2018 09:58


Originally Posted by Tom Alexander (Post 10909)
I'll be delighted to join you in a glass of Dom. The one thing we appreciate is your soft and gentle touch when it comes to 'ealf and safety. (You obviously haven't locqted Sister Eleff's stash of needles yet. You know the big old fashioned chromium plated ones they usually reserve for horses and other large ruminants.) Ooopps!! I think I might have let the cat out of the bag so to speak. :bye:

A horse is not a ruminant, Tom. Also, as you well know, we don't keep cats in bags anymore after we lost Simba in that unfortunate "sling some more coal on the fire" incident which made us all a little shy of red hot pussy.

McCloggie 14th January 2018 11:17

I missed that one!


Varley 14th January 2018 17:18


I've had a little go with H3N2
It's not so much the snot
as the urgent and watery poo
Projectile spew? I missed that slot

As I missed the party when the new year came in can we try a repeat please? (of the boozing I mean not the 'flu)

billyboy 14th January 2018 21:39

Glad to see you are up and well Varley.
O am sure we would all love a repeat New Years eve Party. I must have a word with Tom and arrange a suitable spot for us all get into the spirit of it.

Red-17 14th January 2018 21:56


Originally Posted by Varley (Post 10923)

I've had a little go with H3N2
It's not so much the snot
as the urgent and watery poo
Projectile spew? I missed that slot

As I missed the party when the new year came in can we try a repeat please? (of the boozing I mean not the 'flu)

What a relief, I was getting ready to sent out an MIA team to find you. Welcome back Varley. :flowers:

Yes please Billie Boy, a New Years Eve party for Varley. Where are the balloons and streamers on emoticons when you need them. You will just have to use your imagination.

Red-17 14th January 2018 22:02


Originally Posted by Tom Alexander (Post 10909)
I'll be delighted to join you in a glass of Dom. The one thing we appreciate is your soft and gentle touch when it comes to 'ealf and safety. (You obviously haven't locqted Sister Eleff's stash of needles yet. You know the big old fashioned chromium plated ones they usually reserve for horses and other large ruminants.) Ooopps!! I think I might have let the cat out of the bag so to speak. :bye:

Thank you Tom for your kind words. I would like to remind everyone that it is nearly that time of year for you annual check-up's. I haven't decided though whether I will do these by age, i.e. oldest to youngest or alphabetically in reverse. Hmmmm, I wonder who it will be that I will make my first victim, oops sorry, patient.:rolleyes:

YM-Mundrabilla 14th January 2018 22:27

Perhaps there will be volunteers to go first but I cannot break the habit of a lifetime of 'never volunteer for anything'.
I am still, after 47 years, trying to convince the YMs of the benefits of this habit.:jester:

Tom Alexander 15th January 2018 06:16


Originally Posted by Farmer John (Post 10911)
A horse is not a ruminant, Tom. Also, as you well know, we don't keep cats in bags anymore after we lost Simba in that unfortunate "sling some more coal on the fire" incident which made us all a little shy of red hot pussy.

Actually, we do keep cats in bags still -- we have the original aboard on the GD -- the Cat o'Nine Tails that is. So, Jeffers (Where the hell are you when we need you to beat to quarters?). Alll we need is someone to lash to the grating by the mainmast, and administer punishment according to the articles of war. (I think I have been reading too many Alexander Kent novels lately!) :supercool:

Tom Alexander 15th January 2018 06:24


Originally Posted by Varley (Post 10923)

I've had a little go with H3N2
It's not so much the snot
as the urgent and watery poo
Projectile spew? I missed that slot

As I missed the party when the new year came in can we try a repeat please? (of the boozing I mean not the 'flu)

My dear Varley, we are leaving Copenhagen on the next tide (Why do Eskimos wash in tide? Because it's too cold outtide!)Heading for Gdansk in Poland to pick up contracted contraband --- ooppss - Cargo. With your explicit description of your need for number 2, you will be happy to know that Po-land was named for their consistent harvest of pos so there is one on every street corner. (In Gdansk they are known as Gzunders.) :egg:

billyboy 15th January 2018 10:39

RED17...Do we make an appointment or will you be calling as as required? I have my innoculation booklet with me. I need an anti tetanus booster and an anti rabies jab. The usual yellow fever, small pox and anti social infection jab

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