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Farmer John 16th September 2017 15:57

Oh, c'mon, Varley, Tmac, not another one? It was Muffin that I used for an increased anchor point. We know they can't breed so we have to be careful with the remaining ones.

Tmac, they are more likely to gravitate to your domain, are they like the Rollright stones that can never be counted, or are they difficult to count due to the custom of drinking one pint for the first one, two for the second one....

Varley 16th September 2017 16:02

Any of that left for a sandwich, Tmac?

Tmac1720 16th September 2017 17:07

Actually I thought "Muffin the Mule" was a sexual offence until I discovered Black Bush.

Sorry David but there are some horses douvers left if you fancy a snack...:eat_arrow:

billyboy 16th September 2017 23:15


Originally Posted by Farmer John (Post 7934)
Oh, c'mon, Varley, Tmac, not another one? It was Muffin that I used for an increased anchor point. We know they can't breed so we have to be careful with the remaining ones.

Tmac, they are more likely to gravitate to your domain, are they like the Rollright stones that can never be counted, or are they difficult to count due to the custom of drinking one pint for the first one, two for the second one....

I remember on the 70,s I tried counting them deveral times and got a gifferent number every time...strange that! I couldnt see long Comptom hrom there either ... so, I guess I will never be King of England
Either. Another Bottle Gentleman?

Tom Alexander 17th September 2017 07:42


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 7953)
Another Bottle Gentleman?

PLEASE :pint:

Varley 17th September 2017 10:08

Or two? How many of us in the bar?

Farmer John 17th September 2017 18:00


Originally Posted by Varley (Post 7957)
Or two? How many of us in the bar?

One, Varley, one. Two bottles apiece is a bottle too far, we can always come back for another. Don't want to seem hoggish. We are gentlemen who take the odd (?) libation to ease our minds and make our conversation more sparkling, not so we can roll in the scuppers and gutters. We'll leave that for a night ashore.

Dartskipper 17th September 2017 19:49


Originally Posted by Tom Alexander (Post 7926)
Winter in Oz?? Try here in Canada -- Northern Manitoba in February -- sometimes -57 F -- enough to freeze the acid in the car battery - even with the block heater plugged in. Then there's the square wheels where the car has sat overnight and the flat spots on the tires take awhile to get pliable again. Then again, before the heater/defroster has warmed up and you have a couple of people in the car, you need to scrape the frost off the inside of the windshield as well as the outside. :very_sad:

Welcome back, however -- I'm sure we can find something for you to do other than nothing! What do you fancy. (Red's livestock is off limits by the way.) :curtain_call:

Pennsylvanian winters could be fairly robust, but not as brutal as yours Tom. I found that if I had been involved in a late night drinking session with the lads, I could de-ice the inside of my truck windows just by breathing on them. It was always a bit of a hassle to find that the heater controls had frozen solid over night, too. One of my mates used to put lighted candles across the bottom of the windscreen, sticking the melted bases onto the top of the dash board. His truck looked like a mobile birthday cake.

billyboy 17th September 2017 23:15

Night run ashore?.....Count me in on that!
Heh heh I'll get my Wrangler gear on, dont want to ruin a good suit or uniform.

Tom Alexander 18th September 2017 06:44


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 7970)
Night run ashore?.....Count me in on that!
Heh heh I'll get my Wrangler gear on, dont want to ruin a good suit or uniform.

Having been on shore leave until recently, and until told that we are heading somewhere other than Groton, Connecticut, if we are taking the "short" route, we must have just passed through the Egyptian ditch and our night ashore is going to be in Port Said?? That having been said, Sir William, Wrangler gear is the best rig for the job. Probably be offered some "feelthy pictures -- velly cheap -- for you almost free!" Must look out my lead belaying pin. :cupid:

Farmer John 18th September 2017 15:40

We are certainly on our way to Connetucky, where the rutile grows free on the trees. I hadn't noticed we were transiting the Screwez canal, but I have been working on some important menus for the festive season (lots of sampling involved), so we could be.

They are all shouting "Eh, Mcgregor" just as they did when father passed that way about 194ish, why do they do that?

I think they sell you pass-codes for awful web-sites now, the printed page is passing. You want special thumb drive, chock full perversion? Anti-virus say clean!

Tmac1720 18th September 2017 18:34


Originally Posted by Farmer John (Post 7980)
We are certainly on our way to Connetucky, where the rutile grows free on the trees. I hadn't noticed we were transiting the Screwez canal, !

I didn't knoe ither but nobudy tell us injuneers wher we is anyhoo..:very_sad: all we get is "weir goin' or weive arivved" :paper: (writn by Squek wile on watch)

Farmer John 18th September 2017 22:22

Squeek, you can always ask me, Tmac tells me where Sir William says Dartskipper says Varley has passed a message to Tom to tell him where we are going.

Simple, you furry little imp.

Farmer John 18th September 2017 22:29

Tmac tells me he was told by Sir William that Dartskipper got the nod from Varley that Tom says he always asks you, and I tell you what I know, which I get from the Notice Board in the Pax lounge.

Farmer John 18th September 2017 22:31

The Chief Stewart always knows, and that is me.

We are going West. I got that from Tom, he was told that by the man with the Brown Envelope.

billyboy 19th September 2017 01:54

Brown Envelope??..Hooray the agent has surfaced at long last. Hope its a lucrative job. If not I'll go below with Tmac and do a lubricative job.

Tom Alexander 19th September 2017 06:40


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 7986)
Brown Envelope??..Hooray the agent has surfaced at long last. Hope its a lucrative job. If not I'll go below with Tmac and do a lubricative job.

Sir William -- the Brown envelope surfaced while we we in Chittagong, which led us to pick up a cargo of rutile to be dlivered to Groton for a princely sum.

That is why we are proceding under the guise of one of those old "Bovril" boats that used to take the London effluent solids out to the North Sea. Hopefully the WOGs (Western Oriental Gentlemen) won't know the difference- cargo manifest says "fertilizer"!

Do we have anyone in the crew who can act as a knowledgable tour guide of the local bars and places of ill repute? :balloon::balloon:

Varley 19th September 2017 11:32

Surely they'd be disappointed if it wasn't sh*t (mind you the youngsters might try and smoke it if it was manifested like that).

Farmer John 19th September 2017 13:48


Originally Posted by Tom Alexander (Post 7987)
Do we have anyone in the crew who can act as a knowledgable tour guide of the local bars and places of ill repute? :balloon::balloon:

Easier to ask, do we have anyone who doesn't know the bars and places of ill-repute.

Dartskipper 19th September 2017 21:33


Originally Posted by Farmer John (Post 7983)
Tmac tells me he was told by Sir William that Dartskipper got the nod from Varley that Tom says he always asks you, and I tell you what I know, which I get from the Notice Board in the Pax lounge.

This is all quite simple to follow, provided we make allowances for the unknowable things we don't know about, as well as the knowable things we do know about. The trouble starts when we don't figure in an unknown value in our calculations, to compensate for the actions of invisible gremlins and other things that go "bump" in the night. If we guesstimate a value that is way off kilter, then we might not end up where we think we ought to. If we don't allow enough estimated value of compensation, then we might end up somewhere else, but sooner than we should. Of all outcomes, this might be the preferred option, as it generally allows for more "Run Ashore Time." :pint:

So Skweek, if you thought that the injunears had a tuff thyme, then spare a thought occasionally for the Naviguessers!!:quill:

Tom Alexander 20th September 2017 08:04


Originally Posted by Dartskipper (Post 8007)
This is all quite simple to follow, provided we make allowances for the unknowable things we don't know about, as well as the knowable things we do know about. The trouble starts when we don't figure in an unknown value in our calculations, to compensate for the actions of invisible gremlins and other things that go "bump" in the night. If we guesstimate a value that is way off kilter, then we might not end up where we think we ought to. If we don't allow enough estimated value of compensation, then we might end up somewhere else, but sooner than we should. Of all outcomes, this might be the preferred option, as it generally allows for more "Run Ashore Time." :pint:

So Skweek, if you thought that the injunears had a tuff thyme, then spare a thought occasionally for the Naviguessers!!:quill:

Precisely!! :egg:

Tmac1720 20th September 2017 16:21


Originally Posted by Dartskipper (Post 8007)

So Skweek, if you thought that the injunears had a tuff thyme, then spare a thought occasionally for the Naviguessers!!:quill:

I is only a umble ratt an is usted to ruff thymes especuelly wen Tmac stumpes on mi taile an boots me acros the floure plats wen the injuns go phutt :very_sad:

I sympathes wit you Naviguessers so next tyme you are doon in the pit you ken hav some of mi chese :wave:

Tmac1720 20th September 2017 16:24

what the hell is Squeek doing running about on the computermabob keyboard?.... wee bugger should be oiling the quills on the cylinder liners :bad_mad:

Dartskipper 20th September 2017 19:03


Originally Posted by Tmac1720 (Post 8021)
I is only a umble ratt an is usted to ruff thymes especuelly wen Tmac stumpes on mi taile an boots me acros the floure plats wen the injuns go phutt :very_sad:

I sympathes wit you Naviguessers so next tyme you are doon in the pit you ken hav some of mi chese :wave:

That's very thoughtful of you Squeek. I shall try to avoid the wrath of Chief Injurer Knuckles, I've heard some terrifying reports of his skill at five paces with a twelve inch shifter. :sweat:

billyboy 21st September 2017 01:42

Terrible man with "nunch of buckles" is Tmack Lethal with a 3ld hammer and 18 inch shifter too!.

Steward!..Please take a case of Black bush down to Tmac with my regards...thank you.

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