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YM-Mundrabilla 21st June 2018 13:00

A small drop of 'preservative' in the water will do you no harm. In fact it may well be beneficial as it kills bugs in the water too.
I have been told that it keeps elephants away as well.

Varley 21st June 2018 14:10

That would be a problem with bungalows but I sleep upstairs. It will be a matter of "I told you so" and the bungalow dwellers will rue it when not sleeping upstairs encourages the big cats to return to prey on man. I am not quite so worried about elephants as the stairs would probably not support one.

What am I saying? Your prudential suggestion is, on second thoughts, necessary. I keep the port under the stairs.

Farmer John 21st June 2018 15:22

"Upstairs" is a purely temporary concept to an elephant.

Dave McGouldrick 21st June 2018 16:43


Originally Posted by Varley (Post 14830)
Good point, FJ, I think it was one of those modern ones that interface with the Smartphone. Either that or he was actually having the thing answered for him during the process for some other reason!

(Adding a little something of Proof to it on the bedside table would prevent the water going off wouldn't it?)

A person of your standing should never have to undergo the taking of water of dubious freshness. A tincture made with something from the Hebrides would do the trick.

Varley 24th June 2018 11:11

#1 for update.

Regret Hebridean tincture is the one of two doubts I have about my Duncan/Lang blood (the other being porridge) tincture of tincture (Drambuie), however is a pleasure. Not one, however, to be used as disinfectant.

Perhaps I should just put a pint of Bushy's beside the bed every night. But then how would I sleep until I had emptied it (not to mention increased frequency of gettings up to pee)?

Varley 1st July 2018 14:36

#1 for update.

Varley 9th July 2018 10:13

#1 for update. Very disappointing. Last week lost the best part of 5 Lbs. This all back again. I did have two pints on Friday and a barbeque that involved a small amount of cheese over and above a normal meal otherwise I have been a model of temperance. Double sod it.

Varley 22nd July 2018 15:58

#1 for update. All disappointing still. Hovering at or a miniscule amount below 19 St.

Knees remain relatively easy after Naproxen but I know if I take to walking again they will be back to impossible in no time.

Varley 31st July 2018 11:08

#1 for update. Fractionally better this week. See knee consultant tomorrow. Benefits from Naproxen still not worn off yet.

Varley 2nd August 2018 00:04

Well, saw the bone setter this evening. I am allowed a new knee, six months from date of order.

Should I do it. Intelligence welcomed.

Dredger 2nd August 2018 03:21


Originally Posted by Varley (Post 16893)
Well, saw the bone setter this evening. I am allowed a new knee, six months from date of order.

Should I do it. Intelligence welcomed.

Do it if it will make you feel better and not have pain daily.

Dave McGouldrick 2nd August 2018 10:13


Originally Posted by Varley (Post 16893)
Well, saw the bone setter this evening. I am allowed a new knee, six months from date of order.

Should I do it. Intelligence welcomed.

Mother-in-law had one replaced years ago. She said it was a huge success, and was pain-free. According to her the procedure was a doddle (not how I would describe someone cutting out and throwing away a bit of your anatomy) and wouldn't have minded getting the other one done.

Unfortunately she had many other problems, but the knee was fine.

John Rogers 2nd August 2018 16:05

David I have had both knee joints replaced,(not at the same time) not a problem anymore.
Just make sure you buy an extention seat for your throne as sitting on it is painfull the first week.

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