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Tmac1720 2nd February 2018 16:00

I have no problem releasing Squeek from his watch for DJ duty, I assume payment will be usual block of mouldy cheese. Oh you had better lay aside some nuts for Eric as he will be assisting (he runs inside the turntable) :D

I shall take the precaution of donning extra thick ear defenders as that modern day "music" is crap tuneless drivel. :(

Dartskipper 2nd February 2018 20:30


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 11347)
I got some Ernie ford, Platters, Connie Francis I can chuck in too!

That Ernie Ford fellow. He was a tenor with a first name beginning with "C" wasn't he?

I heard him introduced once as "Tenor C. Ernie Ford." :supercool:

Red-17 2nd February 2018 20:44


Originally Posted by Dartskipper (Post 11370)
That Ernie Ford fellow. He was a tenor with a first name beginning with "C" wasn't he?

I heard him introduced once as "Tenor C. Ernie Ford." :supercool:


Dartskipper 2nd February 2018 21:36


Originally Posted by McCloggie (Post 11348)
The Boat that Rocked!

Great idea - I will go through my vinyl collection as there are definitely some Kinks and Small Faces stuff in there.


We will need some jingles and station breaks, too. (Radio London, "Big L" on 266 MW used their version of these.)

billyboy 3rd February 2018 00:13

If you are receiving poor picture quality, DO NOT adjust your set......Its a radio dum dum.

Tom Alexander 3rd February 2018 06:26


Originally Posted by Red-17 (Post 11346)
Shall we arrange for a dance seeing as we are going to have such wonderful music? :hippy:

A dance sounds like a great idea. Shall we start off with a slow waltz?? :supercool:

McCloggie 3rd February 2018 07:17

If we have a dance Red is going to have a full card unless we have some stowaways onboard!


billyboy 3rd February 2018 08:35

Never underestimate the ingenuity of our Skipper. he has a short port of call lined up for the dance. we will be going alongside somewhere for sure.
Unless you fancy dancing with a plastic steward.

Dartskipper 3rd February 2018 08:39


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 11381)
Never underestimate the ingenuity of our Skipper. he has a short port of call lined up for the dance. we will be going alongside somewhere for sure.
Unless you fancy dancing with a plastic steward.

Depends if the steward is made of expanding foam or rigid polystyrene I suppose.

Farmer John 3rd February 2018 09:58


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 11375)
Its a radio dum dum.

And so it shall be known.

Welcome to Radio Dum Dum.

McCloggie 4th February 2018 03:14

I am sure plastic stewards have their advantages but I have never considered stewards (plastic or otherwise) as the ideal dancing partners so I look forward to our time alongside and invitations being sent out to more conventional guests.


Tom Alexander 4th February 2018 06:09


Originally Posted by Dartskipper (Post 11370)
That Ernie Ford fellow. He was a tenor with a first name beginning with "C" wasn't he?

I heard him introduced once as "Tenor C. Ernie Ford." :supercool:

I think he only sang in the key of C. :)

Tom Alexander 4th February 2018 07:24

A dance is it you want. Well, tomorrow afternoon we'll put in alongside the pier in Southend. Having done some research on the current conditions in Southend regarding places of entertainment, unless someone knows something to the contrary, there are a couple of "teeny bopper" type night clubs and a few pubs with varying reviews, but nothing leaping out.

So, I think we can achieve the dream by transferring the holo deck onto the end of the pier to turn it into a form more like in it's hay day -- a lovely dance pavillion with a big band. Perhaps Dartskipper would contact local hospitals and arrange a bus to pick up nurses to come to the dance. I'm sure we can arrange overnight accomodation for them if they wish to stay late. :supercool::supercool:

billyboy 4th February 2018 07:40

Nurses eh....Bless them all they deserve a party dance. Overworked and underpaid (I used to be one).

McCloggie 4th February 2018 09:49

Way Hay! Southend nurses - no jokes about the local girls please!

The Only Way is Essex!


Dartskipper 4th February 2018 10:48

I'm contacting local coach operators and taxi drivers to round up as many nurses as possible. We are scouring the hospitals and old folks homes as far inland as Brentwood and Saffron Walden for some likely candidates. So far, we have gathered a fair number of young staff nurses, and one or two fairly fierce looking SRN's of advanced years. However, they assure me that they are more than happy to attend our evening's entertainment to relive some high jinks they remember from their youth. Unfortunately, they refuse to disclose exactly what they have in mind, so I don't know yet if we should be worried or not.

Farmer John 4th February 2018 15:34

I sadly fear they might order me back to bed if I went to a dance, and then enforce it even when I pointed out that I am fit and well.

Oh well, we'll give it a try.

Red-17 4th February 2018 23:17


Originally Posted by Dartskipper (Post 11407)
I'm contacting local coach operators and taxi drivers to round up as many nurses as possible. We are scouring the hospitals and old folks homes as far inland as Brentwood and Saffron Walden for some likely candidates. So far, we have gathered a fair number of young staff nurses, and one or two fairly fierce looking SRN's of advanced years. However, they assure me that they are more than happy to attend our evening's entertainment to relive some high jinks they remember from their youth. Unfortunately, they refuse to disclose exactly what they have in mind, so I don't know yet if we should be worried or not.

Oh Dartskipper, what have you done? You should be worried. Never mess with an SRN, take my word for it. This should be a very interesting dance night. :D

YM-Mundrabilla 5th February 2018 00:18


You have never said a truer word.

'Never mess with an SRN'

I encountered one such lady many years ago in my railway career. She had nursed at Innaminka on the Cooper Creek in NE South Australia, in the Middle East with the Army, in London (IIRC) and subsequently as the Matron of a major Repatriation Hospital. She was one formidable lady - a 'battleship in full sail'. Our paths crossed several times when she was seeking some recognition or other (probably a free pass) from our organisation for the service that she had been to the people of the Outback.

It got to the stage when when our receptionist saw Sister xxxxx exit the lift she abandoned ship and left it to me to deal with the lady.:eek:

billyboy 5th February 2018 00:20

I knew many very nice SRN's in the past. a couple were a bit fierce though. Student nurses can be a lot of fun too!

Tom Alexander 5th February 2018 07:32


Originally Posted by YM-Mundrabilla (Post 11424)

You have never said a truer word.

'Never mess with an SRN'

It got to the stage when when our receptionist saw Sister xxxxx exit the lift she abandoned ship and left it to me to deal with the lady.:eek:

Sounds like Matron!


billyboy 5th February 2018 12:30

Had a patient request me to clean his dentures one morning, Another patient also aske me to do his. as I was returning I couldnt remember whos was wsose so I guessed....It was my lucky day as the patients said they were a good fit ha ha ha

Tmac1720 5th February 2018 16:22

Nurses are angels on Earth and it isn't a job it's a vocation. After my stroke I was paralysed down one side of my body and during the night I needed the bathroom. I really didn't want to press the buzzer as the nurse on night duty was on her own in the ward so I decided to try and hop to the bathroom being an independent bugger (as all injuneers are:chuckle: ) anyhoo long story short, I didn't make it and collapsed in a heap on the floor which brought nursie galloping down the ward. :(

After explaining to her what I was trying to do she "lightened my darkness" by giving me a lecture I would never forget about being stupid and thoughtless in NOT letting her do her job in looking after her patients. That same nurse spent ages with me at night when she had the chance encouraging me not to give up and keep positive.

I owe that young lady much more than I could ever repay :kiss:

billyboy 5th February 2018 22:43

Nicely said Tmac.

Tom Alexander 6th February 2018 05:51

After that touching confession, I think that Tmac should be accorded the "Chair of Emminence" at the front of the dance hall, where he can be presented with all the accolades due to such a worthy personage; such as all attending maidens being encouraged to engage him in conversation, drinkies, smoochies, touchies, feelies, etc., etc. Here's lookin' at yer, Tmac. :pint:

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