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Farmer John 20th August 2018 09:35

Considering that she is holding a horse's tail, I wouldn't want the lady to grip me by any tender dangly bits when in a bit of a temper.

billyboy 20th August 2018 09:59

Yes, I've heard Ladies in a mood can do that FJ

Engine Serang 20th August 2018 11:27

Tmac has not posted for a few days, he is sulking because his shirt is AWOL. He refuses to sit at the Laptop in his string vest with his hairy chest visible to all the world. Would that he was as modest on our runs ashore.

Farmer John 20th August 2018 15:44

Ah, the string vest! Good for fishing, straining vegetables, catching small animals and giving the impression the wearer is stuffed with horsehair and has burst.

Varley 20th August 2018 16:58

Rubbish. No bust at all. I've not seen a pink horse either. Elephants, of course, pigs, perhaps. Just not horses.

billyboy 20th August 2018 22:13


Originally Posted by Engine Serang (Post 17547)
Tmac has not posted for a few days, he is sulking because his shirt is AWOL. He refuses to sit at the Laptop in his string vest with his hairy chest visible to all the world. Would that he was as modest on our runs ashore.

Send you a private message

Tom Alexander 21st August 2018 06:27

Received today from Red - :) :)

"Please reassure everyone, even ES, that my R&R is going well and that I have had a clearance from my specialist to say that all test results etc have shown that he has done a good job.

I have been enjoying lots of quiet time at my brothers and walks in the country with his border collie, Casey, she is such a lady and very well behaved. Which is just as well because I would not be able to chase after her. ��

Am trying to imagine ES being 'almost' civil, I am sure he will be OK for a week or two and then I will be back, He is top of my list for inoculations. I knew that I could count on FJ to look after the garden, a good man to have aboard.

St Maarten, warm sunshine sounds good, it is very chilly here still. I look forward to my trinkets Tom, sounds like Sir Williams platinum card is getting a workout again?

It was good to hear from you Tom. Please tell the crew, scurvy and otherwise, that the first round of drinks will be on my tab when I return."

Dartskipper 21st August 2018 08:01

That's very good news from Red17, but you have to wonder if a short spell in drydock with a bottom scrub and boiler clean under the supervision of our Chief Injuneer wouldn't have delivered similar results? After the Chief's tender administrations, ably assisted by ES, Red would have been out and about far sooner, and probably overtaking her brother's collie when chasing rabbits.

Farmer John 21st August 2018 10:02

Rabbits are quite slow, when we were harvesting I used to catch rabbits by running after them and diving on them. No bolt hole, they quit very soon.
This does not work with ladies, they turn on you with their parasols. This is why rabbits are not so equipped.

Varley 21st August 2018 10:12

I know Sir William's got a barge but the Chief's now got a tender? Why don't we all have our own bloody boats so Red can choose who goes to collect her. "Leckie's Launch" has a ring to it.

YM-Mundrabilla 21st August 2018 10:58

Good news Red. We look forward to your return.:flowers::wave:

billyboy 21st August 2018 12:37

Great news RED. See you in the PAX Bar when you return. Plenty of cold Champers waiting for you.

Tom Alexander 22nd August 2018 06:11


Originally Posted by Varley (Post 17562)
Rubbish. No bust at all. I've not seen a pink horse either. Elephants, of course, pigs, perhaps. Just not horses.

I haven't even seen the Pink Panther.

(Knock, knock --------- who's there? -----------Panther ---------- Panther who? ------- Panther stuck in the door - open up!! :jester: :bye:

ssr481 23rd August 2018 20:54

Howdy Gang.. SSR481 here.. apologies for the long absence, but C-in-C-House has recently come home from hospital.. spending almost 7 weeks in whilst undergoing FOUR (4) spine surgeries in the same spot (the last one of which to resolve an infection which almost killed her).. thus, my opinion of the medical profession (here in the Colonies especially) has cratered deeper than the Lochnagar Mine crater and sunken lower than whales**t at the bottom of the Marianas trench...


billyboy 24th August 2018 01:09

welcome back SSR. Just in time for the splicing of the main brace.

Tom Alexander 24th August 2018 05:31


Originally Posted by Varley (Post 17581)
I know Sir William's got a barge but the Chief's now got a tender? Why don't we all have our own bloody boats so Red can choose who goes to collect her. "Leckie's Launch" has a ring to it.

Varley's Northumbrian Spoke-shaver's Coracle also has a certain ring to it -- notable around the waterline! :jump:

Tom Alexander 24th August 2018 05:40


Originally Posted by ssr481 (Post 17657)
Howdy Gang.. SSR481 here.. apologies for the long absence, but C-in-C-House has recently come home from hospital.. spending almost 7 weeks in whilst undergoing FOUR (4) spine surgeries in the same spot (the last one of which to resolve an infection which almost killed her).. thus, my opinion of the medical profession (here in the Colonies especially) has cratered deeper than the Lochnagar Mine crater and sunken lower than whales**t at the bottom of the Marianas trench...


I'm glad it's you SSR -- I thought that noise was one of my ventilation fans running amok.

If you want a cool one we have kept #1 hold ready for your return. Surface is perfect and the bar is set up and ready to go. No visitors, but those of us with a nostalgic bent could probably lace up for a game of shinny. :jump:

Tom Alexander 24th August 2018 06:04

Sir Williams Titanium credit card is developing an unnatural bend so we need to give it some time to cool off.

Leaving tomorrow for Oranjestad, Aruba. Weather forecast for a nice steady, lightly building breeze -- should make for a lazy 3 day sail.

Injuneers can use the slack time to get a new batch of mash going in the scotch boiler. :pint:

Engine Serang 24th August 2018 08:45

Slack Time!!!!
Slack Time my arse.
Any more of these platitudes and we will distill a batch so weak that you will be in danger of appearing on the Bridge in the terrible state of sobriety.
Steward a plate of cold turkey sandwiches for the OOW with a side order of humility chutney.

Engine Serang 24th August 2018 08:57


Originally Posted by Tom Alexander (Post 17571)
Received today from Red - :) :)

"Please reassure everyone, even ES, that my R&R is going well and that I have had a clearance from my specialist to say that all test results etc have shown that he has done a good job.

I have been enjoying lots of quiet time at my brothers and walks in the country with his border collie, Casey, she is such a lady and very well behaved. Which is just as well because I would not be able to chase after her. ��

Am trying to imagine ES being 'almost' civil, I am sure he will be OK for a week or two and then I will be back, He is top of my list for inoculations. I knew that I could count on FJ to look after the garden, a good man to have aboard.

St Maarten, warm sunshine sounds good, it is very chilly here still. I look forward to my trinkets Tom, sounds like Sir Williams platinum card is getting a workout again?

It was good to hear from you Tom. Please tell the crew, scurvy and otherwise, that the first round of drinks will be on my tab when I return."

Red is coming back, good news or as they say in the Outback; Bloody Good News. The Crowd are already painting the gangway in anticipation and there is an air of bonhomie on the vessel. Bloody Good News indeed.
BTW I have always regarded Nursing Sisters who wanted to give me inoculations as really being interested to see if my botts is naturally pert or if I use botox.

Farmer John 24th August 2018 09:46

Research has now shown that consuming any alcohol is dangerous.

All sing:
We never eats biscuits
'cos biscuits 'as yeast
Too many biscuits
Turns a man to a beast.

Can you imagine
A more awful disgrace
Than to be found
In the gutter
With crumbs on your face?

We all know the chorus.

Engine Serang 24th August 2018 11:32

Well I don't. (Ought I ?)
Its not safe to assume anything on this ship. Half the crew are doddery oul men relying on the odd snifter to keep them upright.

Dartskipper 24th August 2018 19:23

The oul men may not be upright to the standard human optical perception, but the correct amount of alcohol ingestion makes it look as if they are.

billyboy 24th August 2018 23:09

Do Dod Doddery!
Suppose he could be right on my part. Had a fall a couple of days back and now have painfull knee caps. do doddery I could well be classed as at the moment.

Engine Serang 25th August 2018 06:16

I have painful kneecaps after sex on the Axminister.

Tom Alexander 25th August 2018 07:31


Originally Posted by Engine Serang (Post 17663)
Slack Time!!!!
Slack Time my arse.
Any more of these platitudes and we will distill a batch so weak that you will be in danger of appearing on the Bridge in the terrible state of sobriety.
Steward a plate of cold turkey sandwiches for the OOW with a side order of humility chutney.

You mean you imported some of those platy-pussies from Oz?? Tmac will not be pleased if they cross breed with Squeek. And thou of little understanding --- the bridge personnel will not be in danger if their libations are diluted -- but we will be more likely to run aground, lose our way, emulate the foo-foo bird, etc.

We don't mind the chutney, as long as we get a liberal helping of curry paste on the cold turkey. :)

Tom Alexander 25th August 2018 07:38


Originally Posted by Farmer John (Post 17666)
Research has now shown that consuming any alcohol is dangerous.

All sing:
We never eats biscuits
'cos biscuits 'as yeast
Too many biscuits
Turns a man to a beast.

Can you imagine
A more awful disgrace
Than to be found
In the gutter
With crumbs on your face?

We all know the chorus.

Mainly for ES's benefit, here's perhaps the whole song:


Engine Serang 25th August 2018 07:47

Well I'm speechless, this site and its members have contributed greatly to my education.

But why would anyone pick on rum and ignore sodomy and the lash, or as is in vogue in the more louche areas of London, bum and baccy?

Tom Alexander 25th August 2018 07:55


Originally Posted by Engine Serang (Post 17668)
Well I don't. (Ought I ?)
Its not safe to assume anything on this ship. Half the crew are doddery oul men relying on the odd snifter to keep them upright.

What's this bit about the odd snifter --- what do think this is -- a Mother's Union picnic at Southend??

Indeed, Sir, we are a hardened bunch of doddery oul men who are dedicated souses. Kind of like Scousers with spouses? :mad:

Tom Alexander 25th August 2018 08:16

Mr. McCloggie -- I perceive all are aboard, so we can quietly raise the hook and slip away into the deep blue yonder --- "Away, away with fife and drum, here we come full of rum, looking for :hippy: :hippy: ."

billyboy 25th August 2018 08:41

got to drive down passed Pindasan and back tomorrow and hoping my left knee holds out.

Farmer John 25th August 2018 10:07

Nothing odd about my half pints of creme de menthe.

Engine Serang 25th August 2018 10:15

Chippy gave me my monthly haircut on the aft deck yesterday afternoon. He offered me a Brazilian. A Brazilian I ask you. Who told him we were going to Brazil, we down the Machinery Spaces have bunkered for a trip to Aruba and Bonaire. If we head south we will be chopping up the Wardroom piano to put in the boiler. Perhaps a good idea, my eardrums are worn out. Gripitini douches help but then taste mildly of wax.

Farmer John 25th August 2018 13:53

If you put any gripetini in your ears you will be assailed by loud whistling noises as the faintest breeze will whirl around the empty cranial cavities.

Actually, maybe you already have. It explains a lot.

McCloggie 26th August 2018 04:10

Raise the anchor it is then.

Focsle cut-out party mustered, hoses rigged and anchor recovered using the GD silent winches (capstan and bars).

Everything secured for sea and ready to proceed.


Tom Alexander 26th August 2018 07:41


Originally Posted by McCloggie (Post 17699)
Raise the anchor it is then.

Focsle cut-out party mustered, hoses rigged and anchor recovered using the GD silent winches (capstan and bars).

Everything secured for sea and ready to proceed.


Under way under all plain sail -- broad reach on the port tack.

You may stand down your anchor party and repair to the pool deck for Elevenses. :pint:

Farmer John 26th August 2018 09:56

In fact, we have finished with the capstan, let us proceed with the bars.

billyboy 26th August 2018 12:09

Bar?...someone say Bar? On my way lads!
I'll have a large one please Steward!

Engine Serang 26th August 2018 13:08

I think McCloggie has opened a bar on the capstan deck. Will the spray dampen the bbq?

Tom Alexander 27th August 2018 06:56


Originally Posted by Engine Serang (Post 17708)
I think McCloggie has opened a bar on the capstan deck. Will the spray dampen the bbq?

I think that's the deck where we store the tobacco. :yawn:

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