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Varley 6th May 2017 10:26

Who want's to join me in embarassment?
I weigh myself and take my blood pressure every Saturday morning:
6/5 (0930z) - 18 St 6 Lbs 7/8 (Otherwise 18-7). BP 141/73 Pulse 90 (about 5 Ft 10)

13/5 (1145z) - 18 St 5 lbs 3/4 (otherwise 18-6) BP 121/73 Pulse 92 (height unchanged)

10/6 (1100ish) 18 St 7 lbs 1/4 (otherwise 18-8) BP 128/77 Pulse 80 (TT fortnight, well entertained both by plate and by glass)

17/6 (1100z) 18 St 4 lbs 1/8 (otherwise 18-5) BP 104/76 Pulse 89

24/6 (1530z) 18 St 4 lbs (on the nail) BP 123/67 Pulse 87

1/7 (1310z) 18 St 5 lbs 3/4 (otherwise 18-6) 144/69 Pulse 86

8/7 (1030z) 18 St 4 lbs 7/8 (otherwise 18-5) 142/72 Pulse 86 (LOA stable)

15/7 (1200ish z) 18 St 4 lbs 1/8 (otherwise 18-5) 138/76 PRF 84.

22/7 (1100ish z) 18 St 7 lbs 3/4 (otherwise 18-8) 131/68 PRF 82

29/7 (1100ish z) 18 St 4 lbs 7/8 (otherwise 18-5) 123/79 PRF 82

13/8 18 St 9 lbs 1/4 (otherwise 18-10) 124/76 PRF 80

19/8 18 St 8 lbs 3/4 (otherwise 18-9) 131/81 PRF 75

27/8 18 St 9 lbs 1/4 (otherwise 18-10) 117/63 PRF 85 (a day late, on the razzle Saturday)

2/9 18 St 5 lbs 3/4 (otherwise 18-6) 120/69 PRF 78

9/9 18 St 6 lbs 3/8 (otherwise 18-7) 133/80 PRF 80

16/9 18 St 7 lbs 1/4 (otherwise 18-8) 136/77 PRF 75

23/9 18 St 7 lbs (spot on) 131/73 PRF 78

30/9 18 St 4 lbs 3/4 (otherwise 18-5) 121/77 PRF 77

7/10 18 St 5 lbs (spot on) 129/69 PRF 82

15/10 18 St 6 lbs 1/8 (otherwise 18-7) 140/82 PRF 84

21/10 18 St 5 lbs 1/4 (otherwise 16-6) 142/77 PRF 73

28/10 18 St 6 lbs 1/8 (otherwise 18-7) 140/72 PRF 85

4/11 18 St 5 lbs 1/4 (otherwise 18-6) 155/77 PRF 93

11/11 18 St 7 lbs 1/2 (otherwise 18-8) 154/82 PRF 80

18/11 18 St 9 lbs 1/4 (otherwise 18-10) 154/75 PRF 77

25/11 18 St 8 lbs 7/8 (otherwise 18-9) 146/76 PRF 88

2/12 18 St 9 lbs 5/8 (otherwise 18-10) 142/73 PRF 87

9/12 18 St 8 lbs 3/4 (Otherwise 18-9) 129/80 PRF 85

16/12 18 St 8 lbs 1/8 (Otherwise 18-9) 140/85 PRF 80

23/12 18 St 7 lbs (dead) 133/67 PRF 87

30/12 18 St 11 lbs 3/8 (Otherwise 18-12) 151/77 PRF 97

6/1 18 St 5 lbs 1/4 (Otherwise 18-6) 147/77 PRF 82

13/1 18 St 6 lbs 5/8 (otherwise 18-7) 156/71 PRF 83

20/1 18 St 7Lbs dead. 152/81 PRF 81

28/1 18 St 7 Lbs 1/4 (otherwise 18-8)

4/2 18 St 6 Lbs 7/8 (otherwise 18-7)

10/2 18 St 4 Lbs 3/4 (otherwise 18-5)

17/2 18 St 8 Lbs 3/4 (otherwise 18-9) 138/78 PRF 80

16/6: - the Saga.

Pardon me for the hiatus. The cold snap coincided with my Port knee getting a condition of class restricting it to dead slow or stop and so my daily exercise has been curtailed to a large degree (fortunately the Stbd elbow remain eminently bendable).

Suffice it to say that this resulted in a recent peak (9/6) of 19 St 5 Lbs 7/8 (Otherwise 19 St 6!). I am now craving cheese having cut it from the everyday diet and there has been 'salad' appearing in the evenings more so than normal (ie never. Salad is not normal. Why do bunnies bother to do sex if they are only multiplying for their clan to 'enjoy' only bloody salad?). Less worrying is that the BP has been OK throughout the lacuna in reporting. 153/81 being the worst.

Today we have 18 St 13 Lbs, dead, and BP 118/68 PRF 78.

Naproxen has made the knee less uncomfortable but I know it is not up to more than a hundred yards or so. The medic is sending me with a view to having a change-out.

23/6 18 St 11 Lbs 1/4 (otherwise 18 St 12) 134/70 PRF 81. Two days now off Naproxen. Knee no worse yet.

30/6 18 St 8 Lbs 5/8 (otherwise 18 St 9) 134/60 PRF 85. Knee continues fairly stable. I am not testing it though.

7/7 19 St 0 Lbs 1/8 (otherwise 19 St 1) 139/74 PRF 88. Bugger.

14/7 18 ST 13 Lbs 1/4 (otherwise 19 St) 117/62 PRF 86

21/7 18 ST 12 Lbs 1/2 (otherwise 18 St 13) 127/68 PRF 74

28/7 18 St 11. Dead. 117/68 PRF 83

BobClay 6th May 2017 12:09

I'm up for it:
12 stone 4 lbs. BP 118/81 Pulse 67.

Never been sure how good these electric automatic blood pressure monitors are ... (I'd have put sphygmomanometer but I have trouble saying it never mind spelling it.) :eek:

Varley 6th May 2017 17:46

My GP is happy with my wristmounted one (Lloyds badge) and 'validates' my own record routinely (at least once per year-he knows I will go running to him if the figures deviate). I'd thought takers up might (until the thread locked) add later readings to the one post rather than fill up the forum. Maybe easier to follow?

(and, of course, I am envious maybe it will spur me to greater depths).

Farmer John 6th May 2017 18:15


Originally Posted by BobClay (Post 2439)
Never been sure how good these electric automatic blood pressure monitors are

I think that if you formalise a method of using them and regard them as being a guide to tendencies in a naturally variable biological characteristic, they are fine. I hate the way things were until recently, 2 points over the surgeries guidance numbers, and I could be going back 3 times, then take the time of my GP to have her say it seems fine. Luckily, now I am in their tolerances, otherwise you get a thing fitted for 24 hours, which shows very little. It has been within normal limits for 10 years, a sudden change or a gradual trend might show something.

Quiney 6th May 2017 18:20

75kg (12 st old money) BP 133/89 Pulse 63

I have an Omicron upper arm BP measurer (don't know if they have a Sunday name) and it is the same one that the nurses used when I did the re-hab after my quad bypass.

tony allen 6th May 2017 22:20

have my pressure taken once a week .and there is a note on it that says don't not use machine ..because I have a systolic blip so it can 6 /7 times to get a read on so its the tried and trusted method.hand pumped band and earscope .also have copd chart book for a daily check this is the 3rd book now.because I live in open fields pollen and farmers sprays have to be monitored .

billyboy 6th May 2017 23:41

120/80.....81kilos. weekly check.

Tom Alexander 7th May 2017 08:10

Hat size 7 1/4. 18" neck. 42 inch waist, 30" inside leg. The doc says the rest OK.

Red-17 7th May 2017 08:50


Originally Posted by Tom Alexander (Post 2486)
Hat size 7 1/4. 18" neck. 42 inch waist, 30" inside leg. The doc says the rest OK.

Trust you Tom Alexander. :D

Red-17 7th May 2017 08:58


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 2476)
120/80.....81kilos. weekly check.

81 kilos, now I understand that language. For example, if I converted Varley's 18 stone to kilograms he would weigh in at 114.305. I cannot say if that makes him overweight or not as I don't know how tall he is. :rolleyes: Mind you, I think it is a good idea to keep an eye on our health and not rely too much on the MD's.

Great idea Varley, if there was a thumbs up in the smilies you would have one. :confused: Oh? I have a feeling that I am going to regret that wording. :confused:

billyboy 7th May 2017 10:33

(I know this is Classified information Red-17. But Mr Varleys 6'6" tall and built like a brick outhouse, he takes a size 12 shoe, has big hands and can sweep 12 pennies off a table)

Right paper work all to the crews bar now for a well earned drinkie.

Tmac1720 7th May 2017 11:50

5' 6" 11 stone 163/75 48 according to nurse I have a lovely slow sexy heart beat (or maybe she's just lonely) :D

all other bits appear to be in working order if slightly bent and the worse for wear :rolleyes:

Varley 7th May 2017 12:44

I haven't before thought of calibrating change in hat size with change in blood pressure or weight. What sort of range is considered normal?

It would make a very handy monitoring system. Rushing off to be checked out as soon one's favourite hat became too tight.

BobClay 7th May 2017 17:30

I wear a woolly Charles Bronson hat so it'll adjust to cranial fluctuations. The locals in my pub keep calling it a 'Benny' hat.

Crossroads is a deep scar us midlanders have to bear. :eek:

Chadburn 7th May 2017 18:24


Originally Posted by Varley (Post 2502)
I haven't before thought of calibrating change in hat size with change in blood pressure or weight. What sort of range is considered normal?

It would make a very handy monitoring system. Rushing off to be checked out as soon one's favourite hat became too tight.

A friend of mine started to lose his hair and decided it was time to buy a Cap, went into the shop, assistant asked what size he wanted. The only size he could think of was the size when he was a schoolboy 6 7/8.
To small, have you got the next size up? yes the assistant said and brought him a size 7.
To small, have you got the next size up? yes the assistant said and brought him a size 7 1/8.
To small, have you got the next size up?
Only the box they came in Sir, said the assistant.

Varley 13th May 2017 18:25

See edit of #1 for today's.

Quiney 13th May 2017 21:52


Originally Posted by Chadburn (Post 2517)
A friend of mine started to lose his hair and decided it was time to buy a Cap, went into the shop, assistant asked what size he wanted. The only size he could think of was the size when he was a schoolboy 6 7/8.
To small, have you got the next size up? yes the assistant said and brought him a size 7.
To small, have you got the next size up? yes the assistant said and brought him a size 7 1/8.
To small, have you got the next size up?
Only the box they came in Sir, said the assistant.

Man decided to buy his wife a present, a bra.
Went into the shop and was asked what size.
After a bit of thought he said 14-1/4.
That's a rather strange size sir, hows to you come by it.
Well said the man, taking off his bowler, this is a 7-1/8 and it fits over one nicely.

ART6 15th May 2017 13:51


Originally Posted by Varley (Post 2436)
I weigh myself and take my blood pressure every Saturday morning:
6/5 (0930z) - 18 St 6 Lbs 7/8 (Otherwise 18-7). BP 141/73 Pulse 90 (about 5 Ft 10)

13/5 (1145z) - 18 St 5 lbs 3/4 (otherwise 18-6) BP 121/73 Pulse 92 (height unchanged)

It's an odd business, this blood pressure. I bought one of those testing devices in order to dissuade my GP from calling me to her surgery every time I needed a new prescription for safety valve pills, and I used it three times a day religiously for months. In the instructions for the device it was stated that tests should not be undertaken after the consumption of alcohol or tobacco.

Right so:
First test having got out of bed -- blood pressure up near the red line according to the WHO scale but not quite enough to lift the safety valves. Pulse rate 80 bpm. Well not surprising I suppose, since the exertion of getting out of bed together with the shock of finding myself still alive must have some effect.

Second test, lunchtime -- blood pressure a few psi above normal and pulse rate down to 70. Probably caused by sheer boredom since in my little country it is permanently raining and blowing a hooligan outdoors even in Summer, and what can one do indoors when the housework is done other than to watch the grass grow on the lawn?

Third test, late evening -- blood pressure normal according to WHO and pulse rate down to 65 after several glasses of good Irish whiskey and at least fifteen fags during the day, followed with a tumbler or three of cheap red wine after a good red meat dinner.

Conclusion: Drinking and smoking is not unhealthy; instead it is highly therapeutic unless taken in moderation when the beneficial effects are more limited. Eating red meat with lashings of spuds and thick gravy provides essential nutrients that the body needs, and that reduces blood pressure because the body is so busy digesting all of that that it doesn't have time to frig around with blood pressure.

OK. I am not a medical professional and am only commenting upon what I have observed. It works for me since, at six-foot-one and fourteen stone (all of it pure muscle) I can still drag my bins out to the road without

BobClay 15th May 2017 14:29

The instructions with mine Art say sit down for a few moments and relax before you take your blood pressure. Don't have the TV on (apparently Jeremy Clarkson can raise your blood pressure to levels that lift all the safety's and put you into 'Velociraptor Mode,' let alone the cost of replacing the TV you've just thrown a brick through.)

Don't gloat over old pictures of Raquel Welch, (has a similar effect to Jeremy Clarkson but is far more enjoyable and doesn't involve hollow point bullets.)

Try and contemplate the meaning of life, the universe and everything ... or failing that, drink four pints of Guinness (doesn't improve your condition, but makes you stop giving a sh*t regardless of what numbers it comes up with.) :big_tongue:


Rodney 17th May 2017 18:05

Almost feel embarrassed posting these numbers:

Age: 79

Height: 5' 10"

Weight: 153lbs.

B.M.I.: 22.9%. (Overweight =25-30%, obese= 30-35%. morbidly obese =35+%)

B.P.: 113/70 (just taken)

Pulse: 64 " "

I have always exercised. I do thirty mins. floor exercise which includes 34-33-33 pushups. And I cycle ten miles. These I do daily. Up until my last birthday I did my birthday number plus one to grow on in consecutive push-ups. I did 78 plus 1 or 79 around my 78th birthday, but crapped-out last year, I couldn't get past 66. I was shattered...My best friend told me to grow up and act my age...barsteward!

How to calculate your B.M.I..

Convert your height into inches and your weight into lbs.

Multiply your weight by 703, divide this number by your height and that answer divide again by your height the answer is your B.M.I..

Mine: 153lbs x 703 = 107,559 divide by 70 inches =15365571 divide by 70 inches =
21.95% B.M.I..

(Overweight =25-30%, obese= 30-35%. morbidly obese =35+%)

Bonne appetite, Rodney:egg:

Varley 17th May 2017 18:26

That looks bloody good to me Rodney. The only complaint I have is that people like you make me sick and that shouldn't happen on a health thread!

Two low salt, low sugar wholemeal loaves are just about to come out of the oven.

BobClay 17th May 2017 18:48

Phew !!
At 24.67 I just got in under the radar.:big_tongue:

Rodney 18th May 2017 21:14

Your bread sounds yummy Dave, I bet it goes lovely as a lettuce sandwich washed down with a nice crisp cold glass of soda water.

Better share a sandwich and beverage with Bob and keep him under 25.:wink:

Varley 18th May 2017 23:12

It certainly goes well with ham. I'll ask the rabbit about lettuce.I may yet be reduced to soda water. The only drinks that taste as they used to are fizz, chilli vodka/V8 bloody marys, White wine, Underberg and water. And I only like the first two (the last is OK for bathing).

BobClay 19th May 2017 07:36

Can't be doing too bad as I whistled up Caer Caradoc and along the ridge yesterday. But, coming down was less of a whistle due biker's knees. :big_tongue:

Old Oilskin 19th May 2017 22:06

6ft- 8in tall, 16st 2lbs (down from 17.5 stone), BP (at last GP visit) 126/81. He suggested I should consider "taking it easy" what ever that means.

Still working and climbing up structures.



YM-Mundrabilla 20th May 2017 05:05

At 6 foot 8 - can't you just reach up?:jester::jester:

John Rogers 20th May 2017 18:26

Dr. Visit for a colonoscopy

I went into my proctologist's office for my first rectal exam.
His new blond nurse, Evelyn, took me to an examining room
And told me to get undressed and have a seat
Until the doctor could see me .
She said that he would only be a few minutes.

After putting on the gown that she gave me
I sat down. While waiting I observed
That there were three items on a stand
Next to the exam table:

A Tube of K-Y jelly,
A rubber glove
And a beer .

When the doctor finally came in I said,
"Look Doc, I'm a little confused
This is my first exam ..
I know what the K-Y is for
And I know what the glove is for,

But can you tell me what the BEER is for?

At that Doctor Paul became noticeably outraged and stormed over to the door

He flung the door open and yelled to his new nurse .. . . . . .

Darn it Evelyn !!!

I said a BUTT LIGHT "

Lucy Knight 12th June 2017 01:27

How to calculate your BMI
You go into Tesco superstore. Near the toilets at back is a machine. Stand on it. Put 50p in slot. An American voice tetlls you what buttons to press. Eg male or female, age. It automatically measures your height. You hold the handles. It measures your body resistance.Out pops a print out. This tells you the range of your correct BMI. What your BMI is, weight, height etc. And whether you are classed as obese etc. Usually its too accurate.

BobClay 12th June 2017 01:50

Last time I offered that sort of information to a machine and waited for a result I got the reply:


I had a hell of a time getting away from it .... :shock: :jester:

Varley 12th June 2017 11:38

See #1 for edited update (going the wrong way again).

Farmer John 12th June 2017 13:18


Originally Posted by BobClay (Post 4739)

I had a hell of a time getting away from it .... :shock: :jester:

I thought you just ran down a flight of stairs and listened for a sound like a dustbin fighting 5 egg whisks.

BobClay 12th June 2017 17:41

You should never question a machine that thinks it can conquer the Universe with an egg whisk and a sink sucker. If nothing else, it doesn't lack confidence.:shock::jester:

Varley 17th June 2017 12:02

Latest in edit to #1. Better, this week.

Rodney 20th June 2017 21:34

Better do what Dave? Better do push-ups away from the table?:jester:

Varley 21st June 2017 23:01

I should be making the most of my upset sense of taste Rodney, alas not. Dinner out - fizzie water. Can still taste solids almost unchanged - doesn't help. Extra ,meal at lunchtime gammon steak and chips. Bangers and mash this evening. Can't reach the bloody table!

Dave McGouldrick 22nd June 2017 08:32

When I weigh myself after my wife has managed to shrink my clothes in the washing machine, it seems my weight has increased. I'm sure you scientific types can establish the correllation here. I'm thinking that mass is constant but weight varies with gravity and velocity( Feeling very confused - must have a second breakfast to recover)

Chadburn 22nd June 2017 09:11


Originally Posted by Dave McGouldrick (Post 5258)
When I weigh myself after my wife has managed to shrink my clothes in the washing machine, it seems my weight has increased. I'm sure you scientific types can establish the correllation here. I'm thinking that mass is constant but weight varies with gravity and velocity( Feeling very confused - must have a second breakfast to recover)

Apparently we are 1/2 inch shorter when we stand up if that helps, it must be in the Leg department judging by the times I need my trousers taken up.:jester:

Varley 24th June 2017 17:47

Another OK week. Much entertaining but still managed to loose 1/8th pound (see #1).

(I am not sure my bathroom scales can deal with relativistic mass so I shouldn't worry about trying to weigh yourself when approaching a light like velocity. I am sure the effect of washing machines and dry cleaners on one's clothes could be explained by our Albert, problem is we wouldn't be able to follow the line).

BobClay 24th June 2017 18:40

You could try weighing yourself upstairs rather than downstairs. You'll be little lighter, but .. if your bathroom scales have that kind of resolution they must have cost a bob or two. :jester:

Alas not a route for me to lose weight, live in a bungalow. :rolleyes:

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