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randcmackenzie 30th August 2020 17:03

Roddie MacKenzie
Good Day Everyone.

Just popped in from next door.

Best Regards,


Varley 30th August 2020 17:07

Good to see you Roddie. David V

pompeyfan 30th August 2020 22:04


Welcome to SH. Good to have you aboard :thumb:

billyboy 30th August 2020 22:43

welcome aboard from the Philippines. Please enjoy all this great site has to offer

Makko 31st August 2020 00:10

Another one dragged from the water into the lifeboat!
Welcome again.

Engine Serang 31st August 2020 06:59

Roddie MacKenzie are you by any chance related to the Gilly-Gilly Man in Suez?

Varley 31st August 2020 10:04

E-S, watch your tongue. Capt. M is the owner of that large refrigerator that has appeared in GD's conference room. It is a marvelous thing it maintains the beer level whatever the demand from itinerant Leckie visitors and their plumbing companions. It has also survived power outages so frequent that one of military specification would have been destroyed several times over.

R58484957 31st August 2020 10:41

Greetings Roddie and welcome to SH. Bon voyage.

Hawkey01 31st August 2020 11:28


Welcome to SH.


randcmackenzie 31st August 2020 23:14

Thank you gentlemen.

ES - I thought the gully gully man was a Jock MacGregor, or was that the barber?

Best Regards,


Engine Serang 1st September 2020 07:02

I think it changed depending whether you were in a Northbound or Southbound convoy. Why they believed only a Highlander could sell Spanish Fly or produce day old chicks from the ample bosom of the Chief's wife beats me.

John Rogers 1st September 2020 16:10

Lady Chatterley Lover was a big seller back in the Suez Bum Boats sales, also the Postcards with the man wearing black socks. Never bought them myself, I was just told about them.

Lancsman 1st September 2020 19:04

What, the black socks?!

John Rogers 1st September 2020 19:17

You got me Lancsman. To tell you the truth the only thing I have on when having sex is the radio.

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