Shipping History

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Howard S 25th July 2017 09:28

Facebook page "Palm Line Limited, United Africa Co"
Am pleased to report that our new Facebook page has 66 members already. We also have hundreds of pictures of virtually every UAC and Palm vessel, thanks to Alan Weekes who has shared his collection. This will be a permanent electronic record long after all of the Palm Kernels have crossed Escravos and maybe our grandchildren will be curious about Palm Line and what it meant to so many of us.

Benny Dahl 25th January 2022 16:24

are ther someone ther know tha danisch Ship Nordwest f Copenhagen an have a picture of the ship with Palmline mark in the funnel i was onbord where ve seyling betwen London and West Africa ?? Sorry for my Englisch

John Gowers 27th January 2022 13:11

1 Attachment(s)
I wasnot with Palm Line but was in Ulsan when this ship was launched in 1979.

lakercapt 27th January 2022 14:00

I worked for Palm Line many years ago and have contributed many stories and comments to this Facebook page.

sibby 28th January 2022 14:06

I sailed with Palm Line on the Bamenda Palm 1964 and again 1966-1967. Good crews. But on my last trip we had a horrible captain, the only people who liked him were the chief mate and the chief engineer. He disliked the deck crew all the black crew and some of the officers.

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