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Farmer John 26th October 2017 17:29

is your hindsight 20/20?
How well I remember old Whots-is-name? Tall dark haired, except he wasn't, sailed with him on the "Black Pig", always said he would come to no good.

Oh, currently a millionaire philanthropist, you say, said he was clever.

We all do it a bit, does it matter? Should we be super accurate, is it fair to "decorate" a bit, can we swing the lamp or should we shine surgical laser on the past?

BobClay 26th October 2017 17:46

Tell it as you remember it and be assured the lamp and the laser will kick in on automatic.:big_tongue:

Dartskipper 26th October 2017 22:09

However you remember your past life, don't look back in anger.

Farmer John 26th October 2017 22:56


Originally Posted by Dartskipper (Post 8992)
However you remember your past life, don't look back in anger.

Quite right on that one, the boat has sailed.

BobClay 26th October 2017 23:01

Well you can still extract revenge on the participants ... and that is best served hotter than a thermonuclear curry ..:big_tongue:

Tom Alexander 27th October 2017 07:11

Unless my memory is playing tricks on me, I remember far more good times, with good friends, good food, and passable potent potables than bad times -- usually brought on by some egomaniac but they never lasted too long, --- and the memory of those does fade over time. :yawn:

Hawkey01 27th October 2017 10:13

Fortunately I have more good than bad memories. I try to forget those bad moments and enjoy the good.
What amazes me is how quickly the years are going and have gone. 53 years ago when I got my ticket and went to sea. Retired 19 years - so lucky to get early retirement. Happy as a Pig in S---.


Tmac1720 27th October 2017 11:49

I remember sitting in a bar and telling the barman I was drinking to forget. "forget what?" he asked.... "dunno I can't remember" I replied so the drink must have been working.

I agree more happy memories than good although there are some people and events I would prefer to forget.

Farmer John 27th October 2017 17:20

Good memories and bad memories.

A man lived on a high lonely pass between two countries. People crossing the pass often asked him what it was like "on the other side". He asked them what it was like where they came from and he usually got one of two answers "Lovely people, hate to leave" or "Hateful bunch of mean minded idiots". He only had one answer "They are the same over there".

Malcolm G 27th October 2017 19:01

That Sinatra bloke's song which has been done to death by pub singers everywhere -

One line; 'Regrets I've had a few, but then again too few to mention'

Well wasn't he the lucky one? Where do I start? Best not go there I'd bore you all to death - My way? No way.

BobClay 27th October 2017 23:57

The Sinatra song I like about life in general:

Varley 30th October 2017 11:28


Originally Posted by Tmac1720 (Post 9007)
I remember sitting in a bar and telling the barman I was drinking to forget. "forget what?" he asked.... "dunno I can't remember" I replied so the drink must have been working.

I agree more happy memories than good although there are some people and events I would prefer to forget.

Typical plumber. If you tell the barman the stuff's that effective he's going to put up the bloody price! Anyway how did you remember the conversation?

Tmac1720 30th October 2017 15:40


Originally Posted by Varley (Post 9043)
Typical plumber. If you tell the barman the stuff's that effective he's going to put up the bloody price! Anyway how did you remember the conversation?

he wrote it down for me... so I wouldn't forget.... simples :thumb:

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