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YM-Mundrabilla 30th October 2019 09:54

Windows 10
A month or so ago, when 'lighting up' the PC, Windows had a series of spectacular scenic photos.

These great pics now seem to have been replaced with a screen of almost 100% fog with the vaguest outline of, I think, a seal. Overall it looks like a seal (?) swimming in chicken soup.

Does everyone get this fuzziest of pics or is it something that I have done? It doesn't matter really as it is only displayed for 20 seconds when booting but I am curious as to the logic behind the picture if everyone gets it.

R58484957 30th October 2019 10:17

I too have the same problem, it only happened after the last update.Perhaps Microsoft will fix it.

Malcolm G 30th October 2019 13:43

On my Win 10 devices the 'fog' occurs when you have the log on window displayed.
The random pictures pop up during boot up, when you hit return, or whatever, to log on then the picture goes 'out of focus' as a background to the sign in/log on window.
Maybe others have devices that go straight to stage 2.

Malcolm G 30th October 2019 20:46

This is caused by an update as suspected. The effect is called Acrylic Background and should work as I said above. It is intended to clear the screen to allow an unobstructed view of the password box, user selection etc.
It was caused some annoyance so you are not alone. MS might provide a user friendly fix sometime but in the meantime there are two fixes available.
1. Use of the Registry editor - Only for the brave, details on MS website.
1. Settings - Personalisation - Colours - Transparency Effects - set to 'off'. The downside of this is that it works across the whole system and not just the log on screen.

YM-Mundrabilla 30th October 2019 22:14

R##... and Malcolm,

Thanks to you both.
Pleased that I am not alone with this problem and as my machine does not need a login password etc I will apply my own 'fix':

I will look the other way while it does its thing in this regard.

Don't know why they can't leave the bloody updates alone for more than five minutes. The keystrokes to achieve inverted ('.....') commas seems another victim of Windows fiddling as it used to be a stand alone keystroke like every other but now needs to be followed by a spacebar as otherwise one gets the next character with an accent/umlaut mark (á/ä) of some sort.

Geoff (YM) :wave:

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