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Red-17 20th May 2019 00:33

Ahoy there! Permission to come aboard Captain? I see that not a lot has changed re quality of messages and use of The Queens English.

YM-Mundrabilla 20th May 2019 01:28


Originally Posted by Red-17 (Post 23346)
Ahoy there! Permission to come aboard Captain? I see that not a lot has changed re quality of messages and use of The Queens English.

Welcome back Red. :flowers: Trust that you are well.
As you say, the tone of the place has not been improved by your absence.
When are you giving flu injections to those of us here in Oz?

billyboy 20th May 2019 03:59

Welcome back RED. Glad to have you with us again.
You are looking well. Ice cold Champers for RED please steward.

Tom Alexander 20th May 2019 06:25

So glad to see you back Red. With one of the distaff side aboard, the level of immorality aboard should diminish at least a little.

With our crew members acting with reckless abandon when ashore, it would be wise to inspect our members' members --- ( I think I got the apostrostroke in the right place there? ) That can wait for a while though, as I have received no reports of anything dropping off yet. Flu' shots not necessary but would be a good idea to make sure everyone's measles, small pox, and yellow fever shots are up to date along with the complete alphabet of hepatitis vaccines.

Please come up and join us all on the pool deck -- Dom Perignon on ice up there. Nice Hawaiian music to relax by.

Hope you are feeling much better after your sojourn ashore?

Glad we hung around for an extra day so you could join us. Leaving for Puerto Montt in Southern Chile to morrow, en route to Buenos Aires to pick up passengers bound for Miami. Will be heading into the Northern hemisphere in time for summer.

Here's to your health --- :pint:

Varley 20th May 2019 10:58

I do not know what sort of immorality that the lack of any wimin type people could possibly engender. What plasticos do when off duty is best left out of the log and I am sure is of no interest to the gentle reader here. Red's rejoining will no doubt improve out table manners and, with any luck at all, stop Tmac from drinking from the cuspidor.

billyboy 20th May 2019 12:42

Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, and of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and everyone's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was trying to say

Steward! another Bottle on the double.....Hic!

Farmer John 20th May 2019 15:01


Originally Posted by Red-17 (Post 23346)
Ahoy there! Permission to come aboard Captain? I see that not a lot has changed re quality of messages and use of The Queens English.

Red-17, you are here to start a new 5000 messages, and mightily welcome. When you are settled in, I will show you round the garden and then the company will join you in a little aperitif before we dine. I have high hopes that some pleasant conversation will ensue.

All the worst inspections have now been mechanised (quite a sensation), the new wide spectrum antibiotics have sorted the falling off of bits. You just need to sign a form for each of the personnel to say that they have been through the device and the job is done.

Welcome back and, fellows, try not to be quite so unpolished and perhaps Red will stay, who knows, we might even sign some more civilising influences.

Dartskipper 20th May 2019 18:58

All that hammering and clanging in the engine room must be Chief Tmac and ES tidying up and making a new "Welcome" mat for the door threshold. Nothing but the best stainless steel footwear scraping device for RED.

Tmac1720 20th May 2019 19:04


Originally Posted by Dartskipper (Post 23361)
All that hammering and clanging in the engine room must be Chief Tmac and ES tidying up and making a new "Welcome" mat for the door threshold. Nothing but the best stainless steel footwear scraping device for RED.

I wouldn't bet on that Dartskipper :( us injun room crew are NOT that accommodating however having said that RED is welcome at any time except when there is an "R" in the month. :chuckle:

Dartskipper 20th May 2019 19:52


Originally Posted by Tmac1720 (Post 23362)
I wouldn't bet on that Dartskipper :( us injun room crew are NOT that accommodating however having said that RED is welcome at any time except when there is an "R" in the month. :chuckle:

4 out 12 ain't too bad? (Not unless you count days of the month with "R" in them too, kind of limits it a bit….) :hippy:

Tom Alexander 21st May 2019 07:22

Welcome aboard, pilot. Relax in the recliner in the corner, order whatever you like; drink, food, or both from the steward, and then pay no attention to how we leave the harbour. (Oops, Sorry, Harbor !!)

Cast off fore & aft, let go the springs. Bow and stern thrusters engaged --- full ahead both. (Is that Sir William water skiing back there ??) :hippy:

Farmer John 21st May 2019 09:41


Originally Posted by Tom Alexander (Post 23365)
Welcome aboard, pilot. Relax in the recliner in the corner, order whatever you like; drink, food, or both from the steward, and then pay no attention to how we leave the harbour. (Oops, Sorry, Harbor !!)

Cast off fore & aft, let go the springs. Bow and stern thrusters engaged --- full ahead both. (Is that Sir William water skiing back there ??) :hippy:

Tom, if you let go the springs, it just means we will have to wind them up again before we can get to speed. Also, if we engage bow and stern thrusters and give them the beans, won't we just go round and round very fast?

Varley 21st May 2019 10:47

If those thrusters were anthropomorphic you'd be talking dirty! Beans?

Tom Alexander 23rd May 2019 07:01


Originally Posted by Farmer John (Post 23366)
Tom, if you let go the springs, it just means we will have to wind them up again before we can get to speed. Also, if we engage bow and stern thrusters and give them the beans, won't we just go round and round very fast?

Only if we have them pointing in opposite directions -- mind you that might be a bit of fun, especially if we added flares fore & aft -- would look like a right proper pin-wheel in the harbour.


Engine Serang 23rd May 2019 20:09

The old brain box is a bit dickey, was Red a doctor or a dentist. I have a vague she was in the caring professions. A whiff of Calvin Klein will do us all a power of good.

Farmer John 23rd May 2019 23:00


Originally Posted by Tom Alexander (Post 23383)
Only if we have them pointing in opposite directions -- mind you that might be a bit of fun, especially if we added flares fore & aft -- would look like a right proper pin-wheel in the harbour.


Tom, excellent idea and great fun, but can we stop? Spinning for 24 hours is making me a little queasy, and I am rarely troubled by this.

Varley 24th May 2019 09:23

I say. I have no objection to the types that like to sniff underwear of the athletic supporting variety but I think that sort of thing should be kept strictly private. As for smells lingering, can there be anything worse than the distinct taint of Anusol when the dentist asks you to open wide?

Engine Serang 24th May 2019 13:52

You need a new clack valve at the top end and a fu-fu valve at the lower end.
Always worth having a sniff of the skiddies, you might get an extra day out of them.

Varley 24th May 2019 19:21

If it were from my fu-fu rather than the dentist's than that would be altogether less unacceptable.

Is that a laundry service you provide third party or is it strictly in-house?

billyboy 24th May 2019 23:23

Bucket of soapy water and the drain pipe from the boiler gauge glass in it. cleans all. All Mod Cons down below you know.

Tom Alexander 25th May 2019 06:02


Originally Posted by Engine Serang (Post 23388)
The old brain box is a bit dickey, was Red a doctor or a dentist. I have a vague she was in the caring professions. A whiff of Calvin Klein will do us all a power of good.

Red is a fully qualified nurse, more than capable of treating your brain box, or your dickey !
:supercool: :supercool:

Varley 25th May 2019 15:12

So while you're boiling E-S skiddies you can't determine the level properly?

(Should any of that get back does Drew have a treatment to prevent it rotting the screen tubes?)

Tom Alexander 26th May 2019 07:01

I paused in way of the injunroom fiddly and caught a huge noxious whiff of hydrogen sulphide. I thought for a moment that some terrorist had introduced this poisonous gas aboard to do away with us all, when I realised that it was Tmac's turn to stand watch. :(

Varley 26th May 2019 09:37

There were two missing from the curried egg and sprout sandwiches left out for me last night. Now we know where they went.

Tom Alexander 27th May 2019 06:22


Originally Posted by Varley (Post 23412)
There were two missing from the curried egg and sprout sandwiches left out for me last night. Now we know where they went.

The "sprout" variety would, of course, be of the metric cabbage variety ?? They'll do it to you every time. Roasted Brussels in garlic getting to be all the rage for a lunch special in this neck of the woods. :bye:

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