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Varley 26th August 2020 16:19

Do you have a premium member?
The other company ship is fighting hard to keep Members. They have a Premium members Lounge.

Without doing myself down and even if the competition were handicapped to account for age related shrinkage I am not sure my member would qualify.

They are obfuscating and do not publish any criteria for one's member being judged Premium.

Unless they come up with a minimum specification the grading of Members' members will be left hanging (in the dark I hope).

And what of the Lady Members, are they reverting to the chauvinist pig club model and excluding them?

Tmac1720 26th August 2020 16:57

I am proud to admit I do indeed have a premium member (as attested by numerous ladies) but it has bugger all to do with the other ship. :jester:

Inguneers take a pride in their tools and keep them in pristine operational condition unlike RO's who tend to gather dust on their equipment. :smoking:

Engine Serang 26th August 2020 17:32

There is a traditional ditty in Norn Irn called The Oul Orange Flute and I think Tmax is mixing up his flutes. However our old ship seems to be holed below the waterline and the crew are deserting in droves and swimming, kayaking, and bribing shady characters to smuggle them aboard GD2. How many can we take and what Tickets should they hold? Our new 2nd Mate, Miss Patel will remain on gangway watch and ensure order is maintained. Testing times indeed.

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