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Skerries 16th December 2021 02:39

It seems that the World has forgotten where this pandemic started. Conspiracy theories aside, the WHO inspection of the Wuhan Institute were stage managed and inconclusive as a result. However, members of the inspection group who have spoken out said that the virus does appear to have started there.
Good old China - their economy has recovered, they are making all of our NHS test kits for COVID etc and the Worls appears to have forgotten.
We talk about sanctions against Russia if they invade Ukraine and get all uptight about Taiwan and China…..but COVID and its origin seems to be yesterdays news.

YM-Mundrabilla 16th December 2021 03:59

Don't overlook China's stranglehold on the urea based diesel exhaust additive Adblue which has the potential/ability to cripple supply chains based on modern diesel trucks.

Engine Serang 16th December 2021 07:08

Thanks for the tip YM. Should I ever feel the need for a diesel truck I'll keep it in mind.

Dartskipper 16th December 2021 09:25

The aviation industry also relies on urea based products for de-icing runways and aircraft. Another reason our government should give support to the farming industry, because it's the animals that provide the raw product that urea gets extracted from!

YM-Mundrabilla 16th December 2021 10:20


Originally Posted by Engine Serang (Post 40973)
Thanks for the tip YM. Should I ever feel the need for a diesel truck I'll keep it in mind.

Stick with steam Comrade! :wink::jester:

Tmac1720 16th December 2021 13:39


Originally Posted by YM-Mundrabilla (Post 40978)
Stick with steam Comrade! :wink::jester:

Nah I swear by Esso TSR, none of that Adblue crap for me :cloud:

Skerries 23rd December 2021 00:53

Interesting conversation with a friend who has been a career army officer and leaves next year. His view (and I guess the genetic view within our military) is that the spread of COVID is an interesting exercise viewed by the Chinese military as a great indicator of the effectiveness of a biochemical war. He also expanded on army sizes and relevant budgets - the US having the most spend on the military but analysis shows much of that ‘spend’ is salaries, pensions etc. China however is working under an edict to ‘modernise’ its armed forces in two stages by 2028 and 2035. They have realised that it’s no longer about numbers under arms - since a few well placed cruise missiles can destroy supply lines thus cutting off thousands of troops. No, it’s all about technology - disruption and destruction. The odd few cyber attacks here and there allows for such technology to be ‘tested’ without causing too much damage at this stage.
There was a lot more detail in our discussion but listening to his views ….. and they are his views…. Was quite interesting. He also had some really interesting stuff to say about the Russian military and it’s current positioning.
Whilst I mention these are his views….. make sense to me.

Jolly Jack 23rd December 2021 09:10

Of course the Chinese did Covid on purpose. Anyone who thinks otherwise is 'head in sand'......



Engine Serang 23rd December 2021 10:02

Did your army friend, by any chance, let slip what's going on in Porton Down or Winterborne Gunner?

Skerries 25th December 2021 07:12


Originally Posted by Engine Serang (Post 41076)
Did your army friend, by any chance, let slip what's going on in Porton Down or Winterborne Gunner?

Nah - helicopter pilot - not into chemical and biological stuff!

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