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Hawkey01 1st April 2020 12:09

I hope everyone is keeping safe during this very dangerous and trying time.

We are isolating - being of the age 70+. Not finding it too bad as we are fortunate and have a moderate sized garden and so able to get out and garden and as we purchased and new greenhouse before Christams - doing the Percy Thrower impressions or maybe I should use the name of one of the newer gardeners - Monty Don or his wonderful dog!
The most trying time has been getting foodstuff because of the @@@@'''''' people who cleared out the shelves. It does seem to be better as of today and we got most of what we were looking to buy - even some loo rolls!!.

We tried Tesco twice using the dedicated hour 0900-1000 for over 70's. That was a joke and most of the items were swept clean. You would have thought they would have kept some of these items back for the oldies to buy - but no. Today we went early to Asda and it was a much much better experience and we got everything but flour. Not managed to get any of that for three weeks.

Have managed to get a delivery next week from Asda but it took me a week to find a slot. They have asked the younger people to not use the system but that has not worked.

Plenty to do and many hobbies - on here and SN - My ship collection to sort and many books to read etc etc.

Anyhow keep safe everyone.


Varley 1st April 2020 13:49

And you stay safe yourself, Neville.

I am presently well supplied with friends/gardener shopping for me (for the first time ever I regret being unable to drive. I am not going to get into a car with anyone just at the moment). As a family we have a bowel health fixation. There was never any chance of a bogroll shortage. My gardening couple who are tenants and live virtually on site are occupying their time to great effect. When I gave up mowing the lawn last year they had trouble keeping on top of everything else as they both have or had proper jobs as well. One remains in work as airport bunker bargee I suspect his wife has been laid off as she ran a bingo parlour (if that is the right designation, perhaps 'den'?). I have a game of GO on-line (using Pandanet) with a friend in London before he goes to walk the dog and between us we are plotting on-line chess (lichess) anyone wanting to join you will recognise my user name easily enough.

Only additional stress has been two sick pussycats and the restrictions at the vet's now, I hope over it.

Quite enough garden to enjoy sadly without the croquet that we would be playing frequently in to the circumstance. Obviously Friday Lunch club is off as is the round of dining at one another's, also a frequent enjoyment. We are puzzled as to how one of our number will get on. He does not cook. I do not mean that he is not a good cook but he normally has every meal 'out'. When altering his flat he had the kitchen made smaller and would have had it taken out were that not to have made the property less valuable. I fear he will be losing weight but, then, he has some to lose (as have I, of course).

If I can give a tip. Don't Dettolate the milk cartons with bleach. It does bad things to the seams that hold ours together.

Engine Serang 1st April 2020 15:28

Things have settled down in Dublin, everything available in the Supermarkets and any Gods amount of toilet rolls.
Roads very quiet and busses nearly empty, most people behaving and doing what advised. As is expected a few thugs and gurriers spitting and coughing at passer by's but it always was so.
I'm 69 and a half so I am playing a midfield role.
Batten down the hatches.

R58484957 1st April 2020 15:55

I went to Tesco this morning, lady at entrance giving hand wipes to everybody to wipe trolley handle,got everything I needed, plenty of bread and milk but few tissues. Markers on floor at checkouts to keep your distance and a plastic screen up.

JustWin 1st April 2020 16:17

When they say 'You must only go shopping for essential things' I think it is ok to get other things at the same time. It would be wrong to venture outside to buy only stuff that you want for pleasure. Anyway what I have planned, is to wait until I need to collect a prescription or need the obvious things food wise when some items become low, then make sure I get other things that I need at the same time during the coming weeks/months. Things like paint, tools, garden items and anything else to keep me busy and my mind occupied. Stay safe and listen to what the authorities tell you concerning this virus. :thumb:

Varley 1st April 2020 16:55

You'll have to give your ventilator back before I do. Only 69 and a little bit.

Engine Serang 1st April 2020 18:52

Made my own ventilator from a hair drier and spare PEX pipe for a garden tap. I'll make you one as I have a bit of pipe left over, just UPS me your hair drier and Bob's your uncle.
I'm assuming you have mains electricity on the island.

Varley 8th September 2020 12:38

We have our first case in 108 days. Traveler returning and on 5/9, 7 days into the 14 day quarantine tested due developed symptoms (it is not reported as to where the returnee had returneed from). It is reported that all the rules were obeyed and now the self isolation must be extended by another 14 days.

We are still going ahead with further lifting of restrictions (testing on arrival and after 7 days of self isolation. If clear can go about social distanced only until 'release' at 14 days clear).

It has occurred to me that while an 'APP' is awaited to automate the tracing process that we should be keeping a daily diary of our contacts. I have just ordered a 'Visitors' book as part of doing so.

Engine Serang 8th September 2020 14:48

We have an app on the phone, COVID Tracker Ireland. It will alert you if you are close to someone who has/had the virus and has self isolated. The bloody thing runs the battery down at an alarming rate. I may buy a Visitors Book.

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