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al1934 3rd May 2022 14:51

Cannot send emails to gmail users
Our ISP is Eclipse and it can no longer access gmail accounts, because Google have set up certain requirements which some ISPs are not prepared to overcome. I have received the following from Eclipse:

"We are contacting you today due to an unforeseen issue that has arisen with sending emails to Gmail from the Eclipse email domain. After thoroughly investigating the issue, we have come to the unfortunate realisation this is not something that we can assist with, as this is an issue with Google servers and their programming.
Google have recently introduced a new layer in their spam security to ensure they can identify genuine email senders to some of their servers. This new layer requires domain owners, such as Eclipse and Hotmail etc, to add a digital signature to the domains they own. (A domain is the part of an email address which comes after @ symbol. For example, @username.Eclipse or
Google are only partly enforcing this new requirement on certain servers, which is why the issue is not occurring on a wider scale and not happening on every email sent to a Gmail domain.
Eclipse adheres to the standard email protocol known as RFC, which are guidelines implemented for the best practise of sending emails. The new layer Google have introduced is not part of this protocol and therefore not a requirement of the RFC.
This issue is not unique to Eclipse and is affecting other ISP's elsewhere."

This may not affect many of you but it has become a nuisance for me because my son uses gmail. I can receive emails from him but cannot send to him.

I am posting this purely to illustrate how Google can exercise it's power and might over any one of us out there.

Dartskipper 4th May 2022 09:35

Google isn't the only domain available, and if many of its users get fed up with being cut off from other systems domains, Google might wake up.

I first signed up with Google when I had a Samsung tablet using android technology, but switched to Outlook after getting a laptop running on Windows.

I see lots of court actions in California and Washington over the horizon!

Malcolm G 4th May 2022 10:40

For years I used an e-mail related to my ISP. The major issue was having to change when changing ISP or when ISP was taken over etc.
My Windows account relates to one of these but MS won’t let me change it - The upside is no one is likely to guess what it is.
Way back I also used hotmail as a back up then found that when I wanted to revive use it had disappeared.
I have a couple of gmail accounts, with a syntax variation, which gmail treat as one account - slightly useful for knowing where stuff comes from if you keep record of which one you gave to which company.
My main email is on Zoho - I’ve had it for a few years now with no problems, so far…

al1934 21st December 2022 14:37

I have given in and changed to gmail as my ISP. Problems solved!

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