Forum: Mess Deck
3rd February 2025, 14:26
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025
Forum: Mess Deck
1st February 2025, 14:11
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025
Forum: Mess Deck
31st January 2025, 18:51
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025
Forum: Mess Deck
27th January 2025, 17:30
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025
It can't be errant skiddies. Either mine or...
It can't be errant skiddies. Either mine or E-S's. After Eaowyn they'd be off St.Petersburg by now (one tree down, fortunately fell in and not onto Peel Road, and coal hole blocked by some...
Forum: Mess Deck
23rd January 2025, 17:04
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025
I changed over to delta a long time ago.
I changed over to delta a long time ago.
Are jandals the same as flip-flops? If related to underwear am not surprised the rubber thing is uncomfortable. Perhaps you can get them made with silk...
Forum: Mess Deck
22nd January 2025, 13:48
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025
Forum: Mess Deck
21st January 2025, 18:11
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025
Forum: Mess Deck
21st January 2025, 18:09
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025
Email is fine but my surgery seems not exactly...
Email is fine but my surgery seems not exactly slick in its usage - they may have given up faxing scripts to the pharmacist but, if so, only recently. the modus operandi is in the 'mail' portion of...
Forum: Mess Deck
20th January 2025, 17:58
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025
With that colonial chappie running around the...
With that colonial chappie running around the smokeroom barefoot you expect me to join you there for my post prandial Havana and tawny? (Thank heavens he didn't mean 'me', supplies are stretched...
Forum: Mess Deck
16th January 2025, 15:06
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025
2 eh? One punched and the other bored.
2 eh? One punched and the other bored.
He does sound a trifle blasted but I doubt there is room in that freezer, we've still got all that gin to get rid of and we seem to have lost that iceberg we...
Forum: Mess Deck
9th January 2025, 15:27
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025
The IoM has two power stations (sites) with...
The IoM has two power stations (sites) with Pulrose being gas fuelled gas turbine and steam turbine waste recovery. The last diesel station remaining for standby use. Capacity 88 MW. Peel has a...
Forum: Mess Deck
8th January 2025, 12:55
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025
Well, last night's dinner was the last of the...
Well, last night's dinner was the last of the Christmas curry that wouldn't fit in the deep-freezer. Spoiled myself with proper breakfast this morning. Now I have nothing to do until this evening...
Forum: Mess Deck
7th January 2025, 15:07
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025
Forum: Mess Deck
6th January 2025, 19:18
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025
Forum: Mess Deck
4th January 2025, 16:51
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025
Nasi Goreng with fried egg. If done as our...
Nasi Goreng with fried egg. If done as our Chinese cooks did then I would beat path to the galley door. For those that haven't had it, a mystery, (one friend also craves same from when stationed with...
Forum: Mess Deck
2nd January 2025, 15:33
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025
Forum: Mess Deck
27th December 2024, 20:56
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025
Forum: Mess Deck
25th December 2024, 18:46
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025
Forum: Mess Deck
23rd December 2024, 17:40
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025
Forum: Mess Deck
21st December 2024, 12:49
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025
Forum: Mess Deck
19th December 2024, 19:02
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025
Cheap live-aboards berthed Thames, in walking...
Cheap live-aboards berthed Thames, in walking district 'City' - Good.
Cheap live-aboards adrift mid-oggin, needing min 12 MHz make-speak Mayday - Bad
If boxes fish in meat-room check we have no...
Forum: Mess Deck
15th December 2024, 19:41
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025
Forum: Mess Deck
14th December 2024, 15:46
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025
Forum: Mess Deck
11th December 2024, 13:58
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025
Forum: Mess Deck
10th December 2024, 14:00
Replies: 9,595
Views: 2,941,025