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Old 11th December 2017, 20:29
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Dartskipper United Kingdom Dartskipper is online now
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Paignton. Devon.
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Supermarket companies spend lots of money analysing the traffic patterns of shoppers so that they position the goods they want to sell in the most advantageous locations, usually at around elbow height. They know the products we have to buy, so put them in places out of the way so we have to search them out. Alongside these, or near them in the same aisles, are items we think we might like to buy, but weren't intending to when we entered the shop. They also vary the piped music to speed up traffic flow if the shop is full, or slow it down if the shop is half empty, so that we also subconsciously slow down to spend more time browsing. They position the instore bakery at the back, so that we get drawn through the store by the aroma of fresh bread.

Don't even ask about those loyalty cards and how they let them know what we buy.
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