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Old 13th February 2018, 00:00
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Red-17 Australia Red-17 is offline
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Originally Posted by Dartskipper View Post
Ah well, that's woken up all the patients in the Hospital on the quay. Mind you, look at those ferries go, I've never seen them get out of the way like that before. Oooops, that lower ferry went full ahead so fast that all the cars shot off the stern loading ramp. I hope the owners all had insurance. Now, slow ahead to observe the 6 knots limit. There's Britannia RN College up there on the hill. Looks like they've broken out a brand new extra large White Ensign too. Must be expecting important guests. Dead slow for a few minutes to let the Higher Ferry paddle across. Don't want to catch one of its guide wires on a prop or rudder. All clear now, slow ahead up to Old Mill Creek where we can swing and drop down onto the buoys in the stream off Sandquay. Stop Starboard engine, slow ahead Port, hard a'starboard. Steady, slow ahead both. Bow mooring party at the ready. Lower a sea boat so we can drop a buoy jumper onto the buoy. There we go, nicely stemming the flood tide now. Stop both. Drop the wire down to the jumper so that he can shackle on. Now the stern party can moor to the buoy astern of us. Good, crossed forearms signal from the bow and stern parties tell me we are safely secured.

Finished with engines.

Send a fresh bottle of Black Bush down to Chief so he can whet his whistle.

Free beers for the deck crew. Very smartly done Mr McCloggie, you have trained your gang well.

Get the owner's barge ready alongside the companionway, VIP's going ashore.
Well done Butterfly, I think that you have done this before. Now, where do I find a Vice Admiral?
You may not be able to do anything about the wind but you can reset your sails

Vicki D
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