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Old 27th April 2017, 02:59
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PatriciaAnnT United States PatriciaAnnT is offline
Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Port Townsend, Washington, USA
Posts: 40
Aw geez, not my chooks again! Do you people not like fresh eggs? Does Tmac have to explain this to you? You know the part about what came first...the chicken or the egg? OK, no eggs Benedict and Mimosas for you.

I have no peanut allergy and that's what's important. So, I'll have a case of peanut butter. If you have a peanut allergy, don't kiss me.

That brings me to uniforms. On inspection of the uniforms available, we have one French Maid's uniform, one swashbuckler, 2 pirate, one Swedish Chef uniform. There is a Carmen Miranda hat but the fruit looks pretty bad. We have lots of fishnet stockings. Why? But here is the heartbreaker. I found a box that was very neatly wrapped. Upon opening it, I found a hog cape. Sir William, Sir, do you think it would be permissible to fly the hog cape as our flag? It would put the fear of God in a few, but mostly it would make us smile. I do miss the old fart ...and that's exactly what the hog cape smells like.

Well done to those that loaded all the case of White Gloss. Stores is shaping up but we are in need of lots of stuff. Everyone please post your "want" lists for me here. I'll be getting the usual baling wire, super glue, duct tape, twine, batteries in a variety of shapes and sizes, invisibility cloaks (for sneaking by customs officers), of course, more crayons, massage oils and bikini wax kits.

Please make an appointment with me for your uniform fitting. If you're a bit squeamish, be prepared, I'm going to measure your inseam whether it needs measuring or not.

That is all.
If my dog doesn't like you, neither do I.
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