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Old 20th April 2018, 06:29
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Tom Alexander Canada Tom Alexander is offline
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Originally Posted by Dartskipper View Post
Don't know too much about that musical assemblage, but I hear they are serving Bermuda Shorts in the PAX lounge. Proper knee tremblers apparently.
I do think, Dartskipper that you should at least pick a pair of Bermuda shorts a bit longer in the leg.

My suggestion is to take all way off the vessel and jettison a scuttled 40 gallon drum of olive oil to make a slick, chuck in an old life ring, and some old dunnage boards to make it look like we have sunk. Just in case there is some smart rrsss surveillance devise keeping track of us, we engage the cloaking device, essentially disappearing off the face of the earth. Then we continue on our present course and speed for another 4 hours, and then steer 200 degrees true until we are due East of Bahia de Guaraguao on Nueva Esparta, our destination. Should we perceive that we are being followed we can pump out our black water holding tanks, effectively blinding them.

ETA with Filthy Lucre in 48 hours.
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