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Old 22nd April 2018, 16:37
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Tmac1720 Northern Ireland Tmac1720 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2017
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M'Lud I would respectfully direct your attention to post numbers 2685 (Engine Serang) and 2688 by the young lady in the dock, to wit madam Red 17 (madam in the respectful sense of course)

While the actual words "stool pigeon" were not specifically uttered the inference nonetheless is quite evident. Of course Engine Serang, being a brother of the spanner gets some dispensation as befits his statue alas the same cannot be said for Madam Red 17 who by inference harbours secrets regarding the personal affairs of the crew member in question. (note at no time has the expression Rat, Ratty or Rodent features been uttered)

Squeek has however been placated with an extra cheese ration coupled with the alternative of a visit by Mr 7llb shifter to his dangly bits should he persist in his action of labour withdrawal.

Sweetness, light and harmony once again reigns in the injun room and I am once again a happy bunny. Threats, coercion and intimidation work wonders when applied correctly.
Oul scabby knuckles

If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried

Anything God didn't create was made by engineers.

I try so hard to make things idiot proof but they keep making better idiots
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