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Old 11th June 2018, 16:21
McCloggie Malaysia McCloggie is offline
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Location: Malaysia
Posts: 442
I concur with your suggestion Mr McC, but we could single up moorings, and run long lines around the bollards ashore, bringing the eyes back on board, so that we won't have to run the risk of noisy cranes and personnel baskets banging the side as we recover the cut outs.

A pint of Oranjeboom steward please, just for the thirst. We can start on the harder stuff later.

One would hope that the personnel baskets (or indeed Frogs) would not be banging off the sides of the ship - but I take your point!

I presume that Sir Williams idea of a quick escape involves the thrusters to go sidey-ways without resorting to springs. So be it.

To serious matters - as for Oranjeboom no thank you! It is the worst headache beer in the world. A pint of Hertog Jan for me please if we are on Eurofiz - if not a nice pint of Tger please!

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