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Old 24th June 2018, 11:02
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Varley Isle of Man Varley is offline
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Originally Posted by Engine Serang View Post
There's a lot of refugees and asylum seekers out there trying to escape a similar website.(Note: no criticism). Many are our friends and shipmates and should be allowed on board but some are of a serious and erudite disposition, like Varley, and should be repelled. I suggest a "Vetting Committee" be set up to admit on an individual basis, eg Tmac needs a 3/E and Red 17 wants a Tiger. BTW was Redser an asylum seeker and did she arrive in a Prison Van just like Top Gear? I think we should be told.
Too late, too late. I'm signed on and my gear's stowed and the gripe still is under construction. Hibernian coffee will soon be available from the duty plastico (well, gripewater is just as good at that as E-S's native hooch). Now I need either a junior sparkie (watchkeeping, traffic, weather etc. otherwise work). Or a 'small morning-time' electrician (as the Indians would call him). Or both - where are the application forms?

Serious and erudite? You would make my schoolmasters laugh just as much as the shrink who abandoned his 'science' when I told him I had been to a proper school. From a slightly extrovert chap (being one that takes his ideas from around him) I suddenly became, over a beer, a deeply introverted intellectual wearing an extrovert persona. The former might not have caused mirth but the latter, side splitting.
David V
Lord Finchley tried to mend the electric light
Himself. It struck him dead and serve him right
It is the duty of the wealthy man
To give employment to the artisan
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