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Old 30th June 2018, 14:31
McCloggie Malaysia McCloggie is offline
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Posts: 442
A stowaway - on board now?

Can somebody tell me where we are and where we are heading please?

I have just woken up thanks to the Tannoy broadcast. So, first things first is our stowaway a useful addition to the crew? if he can provide cold beer and champagne then that I would say yes!

Secondly, there seems to be a lot of gardening going on - which is good as we can get fresh herbs, vegetables etc, All this is great, but can our Chef use these properly? Do we need to consider recruiting somebody? A celebrity Chef for example? I only ask!

As for the possible use of the stowaway,we need to ask Tmak as well though, as he would have to fit in as part of his Ijuneerng crew.

Right! I am on the way to the lounge to have a livener and see what is going on and discuss this further!

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