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Old 2nd July 2018, 18:15
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Tomvart United Kingdom Tomvart is online now
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Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Merseyside
Posts: 147
I swallowed the anchor in 2001 after 23 highly enjoyable years at sea in the RN..........I was immediately recruited into the Defence Industry as a kind gamekeeper turned poacher. I have to say that after the close camaraderie of my seagoing brethren, acting as close knit team, I initially found that working in the defence industry (making 'stuff' for the RAF) was a god awful place to work, cut -throat, and always looking over ones shoulder - normally to see where the next knife was coming from (in the RN 'the knife' would always come at you from the front!).
After 7 years I decided to try life as a consultant in the defence industry (reversing the gamekeeper/poacher situation), it was infinitely more enjoyable, offering more freedom, more responsibility and less control from the management, of course - there was also more money and international travel, but there were still far too many knives coming at you from astern - and the worst part was that any contract involving UK Procurement was made doubly painful by the drawn out competitions, poor management of contracts and a distinct lack of any direction, urgency or purpose. Thankfully most of my work was in the Defence Comms Overseas Team, meaning I worked overseas on many fascinating and varied Naval, Air Force and Land projects for countries such as Australia, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden & Switzerland - thoroughly enjoyable and a refreshing change compared to the shenanigans I had experienced in the UK!
I am still Consulting in the defence industry today - but I now do it for myself (I started my own company in 2013) and have been busy ever since.
I have to say though, since leaving the sea - there has been no job that has come anywhere close to being as rewarding as being part of a ships team - at sea.
As I approach retirement (and contemplate typical activities highlighted by Tugger (#17) - I often think to myself....given the chance of being a school leaver again....would I want to do it all again? Largely - the answer is:
Too Bloody right....every time!
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