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Old 10th July 2018, 07:31
IJC 38 United Kingdom IJC 38 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Torquay
Posts: 59
Used to call into Havana a few times pre Castro times in the 50's, after the war and immediate post years of UK/Europe where-in everything was dull, grey, subdued (food and clothing rationing still abounding thereby the cause of) it was like entering a film set, a riot of colour, sunshine, coffee coloured very attractive girls, dancing in a manner considered 'not correct' back home, a young mans paradise and still managed to have a good time on £6 per month even after leaving mum £2 10s per month allotment, mind you being of diminutive stature and looking about 12 years old did help in a lot of the girls wanting to mother me and feed me naturally with their mothering instincts!

Was back there a couple of years ago, a sad sight compared to yore, but the people still lovely I it appeared, was the only person they'd met who had been there pre-Castro. We had been advised by a friend who had visited earlier to take colouring cranes/books, toothbrushes, baby clothes and such like and give these as tips rather than money, as these items were in short supply, we nearly filled a suitcase with stuff from the Pound Shop (other brands are available!) and I must say they were gratefully received and we were looked after like long lost grandparents...………..memories
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