Thread: Ships in Movies
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Old 24th July 2018, 14:35
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Tomvart United Kingdom Tomvart is offline
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Back in 1981 I was in the frigate HMS Achilles when we were the subject of a 'B' movie called 'The Unexpected' about hurricane relief. It was made by a company called 'Emitel' whilst we were stationed in the west indies as guardship (7 months).

Most of us onboard were involved in one way or another, essentially we were a source of free extras for the film company! I did some of the boat work and filming both on the beach and onboard.

It was a low budget affair - and I recall that as it was filmed in mid summer, the weather was astoundingly calm and very warm, meaning that for any of the disaster/hurricane scenes ashore - we used several fires hoses attached to a portable fire pump to create rain, with our trusty little Wasp helicopter generating the high winds!

As you can imagine - it wasn't ever going to win a prize at the Cannes film festival (no trained actors featuring in it), but there are some fine film sequences of HMS Achilles, RFA Green Rover at sea and '430' (our Wasp) in and around the beautiful island of Antigua.

We were all invited up to London several months later (the ship was alongside in HMNB Chatham) once they had produced the film for the 'Premiere', this involved 30 minutes of cringing through some dreadful acting in the film, lots of free beers, a meal and an open invite for the whole crew into Stringfellows club to round the night off (courtesy of our Ops Officer who was a regular there) - most certainly the best part of the whole experience!

The movie is on Youtube for anyone interested:
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