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Old 22nd August 2018, 16:19
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Tomvart United Kingdom Tomvart is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Merseyside
Posts: 147
I recall being on the first Type 42 destroyer in Rosyth to have a small complement of WRNS as ships company, must have been about 1990/1991.

Once we had completed trials and work ups in the UK we deployed to the Gulf, in preparation - we all had our inoculations, dozens of them - including anthrax (thanks to Sadam), typical of the military, many of the pussers standard inoculations were abbreviated to either 3 or 4 letters, so one morning a list appears on the notice board outside the Routine office.

"All newly joined female ratings are to report to the sickbay at 0800 tomorrow to receive a pre deployment M.E.A.T injection by the Ships Doctor"

10 of the 26 girls onboard were mustered outside the sickbay door the following morning, all waiting for a very surprised Surgeon Lieutenant, who was beside himself when he found the reason that all of today's patients were waiting for a non existent inoculation!

He never found out which joker onboard had posted the note on the noticeboard!
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Nicholas Monsarrat
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