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Old 1st September 2018, 15:02
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Tmac1720 Northern Ireland Tmac1720 is offline
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Originally Posted by Tom Alexander View Post
Perish the thought !!! You mean that looking aft from the wheelhouse we'll be able to see Tmac resplendent in his tightie-whities (well they were white at one time) brushing his tooth? (He left the rest in a glass of water beside his bunk.)
Excuse moi !!!!! but my teeth are like stars, they come out at night and while I may be incapable of exerting a bite I can apply one hell of a suck when necessary.

Further my tightie-whiteie bits are as pure as the driven slush, well apart from the skid marks incurred in the operation of one's duties

Finally as for water, I never touch the stuff, drinking, ablutions, laundry or otherwise as it is a most unhygienic concoction.... fish pish and crap in it don't you know and you heathens DRINK IT !!!!!!
Oul scabby knuckles

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