Thread: Air Djibouti
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Old 29th April 2017, 22:04
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Dartskipper United Kingdom Dartskipper is offline
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One of my favourite flights was on a De Havilland Trident from Malaga to Heathrow when I came home for Christmas in 1974. One of the passengers who walked out to the aircraft with us was Michael Bentine. He kept complaining that the body pat down by the police was so cursory he could have smuggled a whole armoury of weapons onto the aircraft! (This was in the time of frequent hijacking incidents.)

The flight back out to Spain was another experience altogether. It was a Trident, and we were very late taking off,(one engine wouldn't start and a piece of electronic gadgetry had to be repaired as well,) and when we got to Malaga, there was thick fog so I had the novelty of a completely blind landing. When we landed and started to taxi, all the passengers gave a round of applause. I don't think they all knew that the Trident had an automatic landing system!
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