Thread: The Road West.
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Old 30th September 2018, 13:38
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YM-Mundrabilla Australia YM-Mundrabilla is offline
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Originally Posted by topol View Post
The OP reminded me of doing something similar in 1976.

Three families were going together to Paignton, intending to drive down on the Saturday, but in the pub on Friday night we decided to go overnight.
At closing time we went home, dragged the kids from their slumbers, packed the cars and set off down the A34, A303 and thence to Paignton. arriving around 7am.
Had breakfast in the only cafe that was open - a large fry-up, and took a stroll on the jetty till the Guest House opened.

My car at the time was a Mk3 Cortina [coke bottle?] which I parked under a tree in the Guest House carpark.
I was unaware of the sap dripping onto it till I came to clean it [I did my own cleaning in those days].
Took hours of hard rubbing to remove the sap - a lesson well learned.

Don't park for long duration under trees!
Sap here in Oz is bad enough but fixable if you get it off before it attacks the paint.
The YMs parked our 12 year old (but still bright, shiny and in good condition) Corolla under some pine trees at one of her dragon lady lunch venues not knowing that a flock of cockatoos was located above high in the trees ........
Cockatoos happily chewed the stems from a heap of pine cones which fell onto the car - 6 dents in the roof, 3 or 4 in the bonnet and a similar number in the boot lid. Not her fault but I was not amused. Car now 22 years old still bright, shiny and in good condition but with body dents.
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