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Old 23rd November 2018, 10:06
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Varley Isle of Man Varley is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Isle of Man, G.B.
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I can explain some of that. All the plasticos are in the fwd cocktail lounge. The Sweded Gripe is going down like a house on fire (that is possibly a poor analogy, given it's flammability). They're not so much singled-up ready to go but doubled and going.

If you move your feet Tom I could get out from under here. I'm hiding from two of the pretty ones with this bottle of port. Well, empty bottle. You could just pass me down another, passed to port, of course, must keep our manners minded.
David V
Lord Finchley tried to mend the electric light
Himself. It struck him dead and serve him right
It is the duty of the wealthy man
To give employment to the artisan
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