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Old 26th March 2019, 05:41
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Tom Alexander Canada Tom Alexander is offline
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Originally Posted by Engine Serang View Post
Tom what sort of people did you mix with? Gentlemen or Ladies or Maidens would not Poop in anyone's car, how did you clean the mess and get rid of the smell? The casual way you introduced it makes it like a bit of a cult, was drink or drugs involved? I think it may be a bit of a fetish after sex, Hitler, it is said was a big fan. 1959 in Brighton, what a year. We hope you used a French Letter or Aspros from the top shelf as they were popularly known by.
Please ask your current crop of Tarts not to sh1t in the Smokeroom or bilges but to use the Lavvies or crap on deck. BB are you sure our old shipmate is officer material???
I mixed with only the finest people -- weeknights playing solo whist whilst consuming Kentish cider out of a one gallon stone jug, The car was always pristine, as it was the modus operandi, if one was so inclined, after over consumption of spiritus fermenti, to wind down the window and vomit outside the vehicle. What an insult to use the term "French Letter" in the singular - the minimum inventory on hand was always a "packet of three"!
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