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Old 9th June 2019, 05:05
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YM-Mundrabilla Australia YM-Mundrabilla is offline
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Location: Mundrabilla (haha), Melbourne really but I'd rather be in Narvik
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Originally Posted by Engine Serang View Post
Memo to self: must take stock of where we stand, personnel wise. "Wise" is probably not the appropriate word but lets continue.
TA is on leave, touring the untourable, woods and trees and mountainy men and their undesirable women and things that are only aching to eat you, grizzleys and crocodiles and polar bears and spiders.

FJ is in "Command", well I never. And me a huge supporter of British Tickets, shiver me timbers.

And Billyboy now 1st Mate or Chief Officer as he has taken to calling himself, he's due for a fall. And not from grog.

Varley has taken to searching Lidl for an auto-start stomach pump whose innards will not be corroded by full strength Gripitini, we wish him Goodspeed.

My old china, Tmac, has taken the absence of TA to let his wee Belfast Hard-Nut personality re-appear and is headbutting all he meets, a Glentoran Kiss.

Red 17 is behaving like a Teaser in a stud farm, just a wee pop up the gangway and off again once all the crew shows interest. (Lots of interest)

Thank God I'm sane and to prove it to myself I have swallowed the keys to the main engine and will pass them only when Mr Mundrabilla joins and takes charge of the boilers.

So there.
Boilers. Are they those big cylindrical fiery things downstairs where we burn the secret codes, incriminating documents and the galley spoils?
Oh dear. Looks like sails and cold showers for a while - still trying to master shovelling Bunker C even with the addition of KY Jelly ........
The cold showers may well have the added advantage of protecting our lady passengers but, of course, there will be sufficient hot water for their showers. Perhaps we could share? Are they even still aboard, just otherwise occupied or have I been in the wrong place at the wrong time? (Story of my life)
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