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Old 20th July 2019, 15:06
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Tomvart United Kingdom Tomvart is online now
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Posts: 147
The region is on a knife end again thanks to Trumps so called diplomacy.......all it needs is one mistake by either side and the place will go off like a powder keg......
What worries me deeply is that the western powers currently do not have sufficient defence capability against the emerging IRGC naval forces, there is no doubt in my mind that swarm attacks using missile armed fast attack craft, massed mini submarine attacks from up to 30 well armed mini submarines, suplemented by massed surface to surface missiles will be the order of the day if the shooting starts.
I would not currently want to be crew in any of the merchant vessels using the Straits of Hormuz, whatever flag they are sailing under.
There is a really interesting report on called 'Choke Point Charlie' which illustrates just how risky the current situation is.
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