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Old 19th August 2019, 12:29
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Varley Isle of Man Varley is offline
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Originally Posted by Tomvart View Post
I seem to recall that transiting the Messina straits was a tad tricky for deep draft vessels?
Why use that nav track? Are they worried about being ambushed by the USN in open international waters again or is there a secret RV once in inshore Italian waters?
Oh dear, Tom, another tale from the ditty bag. I took London Team (186K tons OBO) through the Straights of Messina myself.

As was my habit I wandered up to the bridge around breakfast time to find the old man, 'Big' Pete Roberts - another great chap to sail with, had relieved the mate for cargo work of some kind.

"Right, Leckie, you hang on here while I go for a crap" and off he goes leaving me with a Chinaman on the wheel, another looking-out and a radar screen which I could see easily was not having difficulty finding targets! None of them, I hope, a warship of any kind intent on engagement.

I can't remember whether we were light or loaded 'though. (And the bridge 'facilities' were only just across the companionway).
David V
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Himself. It struck him dead and serve him right
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