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Old 7th May 2017, 19:15
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Tmac1720 Northern Ireland Tmac1720 is offline
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Originally Posted by Red-17 View Post
OK guys, and girls, it is time that we took a step out of the ordinary. Enough of this drinking and running around like headless chickens. It is time for a serious adventure that does not include bars and all the niceties of life.

Ha ha God but I LOVE a commedian....

We are as close to the Antarctic as we are ever going to be. Tmac, would this ship be able to endure the rigours of the Antarctic? If so, why are we not taking the next step to an adventure that has not been done in a long time.

Madam, this fine vessel can withstand ANY and ALL trials and tribulations required of it, one of our secret additions is a reinforced Titanium hull with breast hooks made of Carbon steel. As for why we have never endured the rigours of the Antarctic Sir Billy has not enlightened you to our previous circumnavigation of the globe pole to pole and underwater to boot.

Remember Shackleton? He took the step into the unknown, as has been written into history. The GD can do that as well. I believe that with the crew that we now have we can achieve great things.

Shackleton was given several DR's and eventually thrown over the rail as a lightweight

Tmac, Varley, Capt. Tom, billyboy, Patsy, SSR, YM, Dartskipper, Farmer John, even Squeek and Eric,the mules, sheep and chickens, WE CAN DO THIS!

NO WE CAN'T AS IT'S TOO BLOODY COLD (and I don't like the taste of Penguin)

Are you with me?
]Nope I'm with the Woolwich
Oul scabby knuckles

If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried

Anything God didn't create was made by engineers.

I try so hard to make things idiot proof but they keep making better idiots

Last edited by Tmac1720; 7th May 2017 at 19:18.
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