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Old 7th May 2017, 19:40
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Malcolm G Malcolm G is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2017
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Oi! would you lot just slow down for a bit. I've been chasing you for what seems half way round the world and had to blag fuel at anywhere that wasn't looking.

If you look over the side you will see a big orange floaty boaty thing with writing on the roof - and it doesn't say Golden Dreamer.
As I said I popped over to a passing vessel to attempt a replenishment of the crew bar. These chaps don't do RASes so I got stuck and ended up in their next port of call. Dunno where it was but they spoke foreign, as did most of the crew actually.
This boaty thing was dropped over the side and someone said something about drill; well I had a good look and I can't find any holes so I don't know what that was about.
There it was just sat in the water unattended, well sort of, the two men were outside doing something like cleaning the windows and I thought: "Why not?" - They were wearing life jackets so I'm sure they will be alright.
It said something about being tender but it seems quite tough so I don't know what that was about either. I did think it needed a little weight to make it more stable so I found some boxes on another quay and sort of dropped them in.
Anyway it now handles quite well and I just love the way you can chuck it around with those two engines. As I said it does tend to be a bit thirsty they way I drive it.
Also, have you ever driven one of those gas powered fork lift trucks? Great fun, just make sure to get off if you happen to miss the brake pedal - fortunately it missed the boat.

Well, now I have this boat and here we are. I have absolutely no idea what is in the boxes, I was too busy trying to catch you up.

Next, some questions:
Do you want the boat? - They surely wont miss it they had plenty more.
If you do how do we get it aboard?
Maybe someone could paint something over the writing on the roof.

Is there anything else you need?
The Mad Landsman
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