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Old 20th November 2019, 10:37
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Hawkey01 Hawkey01 is offline
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Location: Highbridge UK
Posts: 466
Shopping - I must have lost the plot.

Yesterday my wife and I wanted or were about to purchase a couple of items. A Greenhouse and an eletric table hot plate.
As is normal with us we have a look on the net and see who is selling the items and of course the cheapest - less expensive - seller. We then head off to our local town to purchase said item if this is possible - not the greenhouse. Helping to keep our shops alive.
The best deal for the electric hot plate was Argos. Fine - so what I have done in the past is order it on line and then go and pick it up from Bridgwater - our nearest Argos.
Not possible - we have to have it delivered. So now we have to ensure we are home on a designated day to recieve the item.
Greenhouse - decisions made on size etc etc so ready to hit the button and purchase
said item. Huge sign on web page - Buy this on Black Friday and save £25 - So of course we are now holding back until then. So they have lost £25 which they would have had if we had purchased yesterday. Where is the good business sense in that I ask myself.
The world has gone mad!!!!

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