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Old 20th November 2019, 19:03
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Malcolm G Malcolm G is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2017
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OK I admit it, according to how it is reported I am one of those 'killing the High Street'.
However I do not call an out of town warehouse the size of Rutland 'The High Street'. The retailers have killed it by going for bigger and better.
Currys, for example, used to be shops on the High street. Now one enters a building with its own weather and seeks out what is required, then to find a member of staff. The first one will have knuckles on the carpet and tell you that it is not his area. Another person is found, carrying his or her tablet device. Any questions are typed in to the tablet and the answer read off. I COULD HAVE DONE THIS AT HOME!

The only reason I can think of for going to this so called High Street is to have a physical look at the product, assuming that they have one in stock.
I go home, check Price Runner or whatever, and find that I can in fact have the same thing delivered free with accessories for 10% less than carrying it home. Is it any wonder that I shop on the internet?

There are some things which I insist on buying in person, for example:
Groceries, because I have seen the delivery pickers in action and would not trust them to buy a postage stamp.
Shoes, I have tried to buy by mail order and they never fit.
Presents, easier to hide.
Light building and DiY materials, because I want it now, not as and when they feel like it.
The Mad Landsman
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