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Old 9th May 2017, 13:58
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Originally Posted by Farmer John View Post
Apsley Cherry-Garrard wrote a book called "The Worst Journey in the World" and he was just going for a little walk to see some Penguins. I find this troubling, it doesn't sound as though he really enjoyed it, and no-one wanted the eggs they brought back. Perhaps we could rig a very cold shower on the deck and all stand in it for 2 hours and then vote on going South. I always wanted to do this but just lately I have lost the inclination.
I am aware of Apsley Cherry-Gerrard's book but that doesn't mean that our adventure would end up like his, anyway what sort of a name is Cherry for an adventurer, I have a beautician called Cherry, (no comments please) Where's your sense of adventure Farmer John
You may not be able to do anything about the wind but you can reset your sails

Vicki D
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