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Old 27th March 2020, 16:00
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Varley Isle of Man Varley is online now
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Isle of Man, G.B.
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My limited experience of Armagnac suggest that a drinkable one is even more expensive than Cognac. I am also minded of the first time I heard of it as a boy was when Pa bought a case of it from BP's office 'exchange and mart' as it was a 'bargain'. I do not remember what it tasted like but it came in flat bottles (like Mateus).

As an old man Pa adopted Grande Empereur 'Napoleon' as his brandy of choice.

On a previous occasion when Fontvielle was out of stock I was persuaded to by a bottle of Armagnac for only a little bit less than the Fontvielle. It was disappointing. I reported this on my next call to be told if I wanted the same quality I would have had to pay about twice as much.

The penny then dropped. Grande Empereur would compete with E-S's bothiebath lacquer lifter in a paint removing contest. This Napoleon obviously a distant and much removed relative of Bonapart reduced to the decorating trade. It was, however, the least expensive bottle of tres forte on the shelves. As with the Grande Empereur Pa had appreciated more the good market aspect than the good flavour. I should have known it was entirely 'in character' (we live with the hall skylight roofed-over as between him and the tame builder it was the least expensive solution except for having to leave the bloody light on in all but the brightest of daylight).

At that price I could not afford to see if the expert was right or not.
David V
Lord Finchley tried to mend the electric light
Himself. It struck him dead and serve him right
It is the duty of the wealthy man
To give employment to the artisan
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