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Old 24th May 2020, 21:35
Engine Serang Northern Ireland Engine Serang is offline
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Join Date: May 2017
Location: Dublin,but I'd rather be in Stavanger.
Posts: 3,007
Engine Serang is bloody good but he can't be both in the engine room and the pipe tunnel. He (me) (I) is currently deeply involved in a mission of mercy to keep Senor Varley lubricated. A dislubricated Varley is a frightful sight and would upset Ladies and the horses.
ES (Me) is putting a Thistlebond bandage on the discharge line from the Port Port pump to Senor V's Cabinda or rather his Cantina. (Why has he assumed a Cuban identity?). Of course we have a back up pump, the Stbd Port pump, but the Stbd Port DS Tank is MT. The Stbd Port stripping pump could suck some of the unpumpable bottoms but last year Lord V drank them, went mad and had to be wressled to the Sick Bay deck and have his belly pumped out with a stirrup pump from the Association Football sports locker. V recovered in jig time but the Cape Verde pumpman was never the same man again. So sad.
Tmax, I will return.

Last edited by Engine Serang; 24th May 2020 at 21:37. Reason: Adding to para3 to read better.
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