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Old 12th September 2020, 20:13
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al1934 England al1934 is offline
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Windows LiveMail

Can someone please advise on this:

A few weeks ago I handed my PC to the only local professional computer business to update from Windows 7 to Windows 10. We have been dealing with them for years and they have always given good service. My PC was updated and works fine.

Shortly after that I handed my wife's laptop to them for the same procedure. When it was returned she was still able to receive emails but unable to send emails, which stick in the outbox for hours and sometimes days before releasing the email. There is a constant error 554 notice in the outbox. The computer business was unable to rectify the fault, stating that it was a fault from our ISP and in the end suggested that we contact the ISP which I did. The technical support man said on the phone that it was because LiveMail didn't recognise the LiveMail settings, which are the same settings as on my PC and the same as have been on her laptop for years.

I have spent hours on the internet going round in circles but cannot find a sensible solution which I can understand, not being an IT boffin.

Does anyone have an answer to this one please, one which a simple soul can understand?
Best Wishes,

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