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Old 29th September 2020, 15:51
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Varley Isle of Man Varley is offline
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Misuse/stupid use of payment cards

I am astounded that people are still giving their card details away over the 'phone (and, for all I know, in other person to person communications).

When I 'did' Facebook (that is until I realised it was fit only for draining by Sir Joseph Bazalgette or perhaps Dr. Pimple Popper) I assumed the frequent appearance of 'found' cards (often with the user data thereon displayed) was a mental aberration of the kind widespread amongst users of the sanitary end of the internet. But that is not so.

It may be well meaning to try to return a card but it necessarily puts the finder into the frame should any fraud have been carried out after the owner 'lost' it. The only fully safe action to take is to destroy it as soon as possible. It is, anyway, unlikely to be of use to the owner who will/should have reported it to the issuer who will have immediately disabled it.

I have had two recent requests for payment over the 'phone, one from a government 'directorate'. I am surprised that employers would put their staff at such risk and that where unions are involved they have not militated against the practice. I now insist on paying electronically or cancel the purchase if that is not agreeable. I also point out to the assistant how they are putting themselves at risk of suspicion and that they are encouraging be to break my Bank's rules.

Another issue is one of temptation. Some cultures consider leading others into temptation is almost as immoral as giving in to it. Of course reducing unnecessary temptations will not reduce the number of criminals but it would certainly reduce the number of crimes.

Isn't bank/issuer guidance sufficiently clear? "Do not reveal you card details to anyone". It is stupid for you to do so, unkind to those who you do it to and, I am sure, would cause your Bank/issuers to baulk at any attempts to recompense you for frauds so achieved.

I was taxying home with a friend last Saturday and was appalled to hear her card-paying for theatre tickets over her mobile 'phone and in clear hearing of both me and the taxi driver. I did not lecture her on this stupidity as she has invited me to dinner (tonight). I will wait until the port is done and do so then!

(There's a copy aboard SN too as it seems we have a body of shipmates who are displaying their inability to enjoy both sites!)
David V
Lord Finchley tried to mend the electric light
Himself. It struck him dead and serve him right
It is the duty of the wealthy man
To give employment to the artisan
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