Thread: Out of Steam.
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Old 16th November 2020, 10:20
Harry Nicholson United Kingdom Harry Nicholson is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2018
Location: Whitby, North Yorkshire
Posts: 140
It is quiet. But we are grown long in tooth - not that I have a full set of teeth these days. Many are gone to Fiddlers Green, we who knew the great days are moving on.
All very sobering, indeed I cannot drink so much these days - not had a proper hangover for years.
But, the veg patch is looking handsome; the leeks are the best ever and not disparaged by her indoors anymore. Meanwhile, I dream and type memories into an Apple. Speaking of apples - the workshop is aromatic with this year's stored crop of cookers. I spend hours in there.
The wife hands me lists of jobs while she knits, watches 'Move to the Country', or works on the jigsaw puzzle. I've only been awake two hours but have already unblocked three sinks - there's success for you: I now own three sinks!
Welcome to my blog:
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