Thread: Out of Steam.
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Old 20th November 2020, 05:35
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ShipwreckX ShipwreckX is offline
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Originally Posted by SJB View Post
Which remind of a likewise irrelevant story. I was working as a night watch in the Aker ship-yard in Oslo. An in the early morning I picked up the newspaper that we received one free of, and which could be studied in the small office-cabin that us watchmen occupied at the gate of the yard. The papers ranged from the Stalinist "Friheten" (Freedom) to the ultra conservative "Morgenbladet" (The Morning Blade). And there were a number of workers that when leaving their shift popped in and leafed through a paper. Particularly on Fridays. What I found perplexing was that none of the socialist papers were ever touched. Not "The Freedom" , not "The Class War", not "The Worker's Newspaper", what everyone wanted was the two on the outer right, particularly "The Morning Blade". So I had to ask one of the better know reds inthe yard, one usually with much revolutionary fervour behind every comment he made upon anything. But now he was curt and laconic - "Superior turf reporter." (And that may explain why poor workers vote for the likes of Donald Trump?)
I've noticed many Socialist/Communist publications were too wordy for the average proletariat.
You can call me Tunatownshipwreck (Eric), just don't call me late.
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