O.N. 922328. 461g. 138n. 153d. 28.2 (26.12 BP) x 12.6 moulded x 5.3 (5.1 dt) metres.
Two, 16-cyl. 4 SCSA (170 x 215mm) Cat 3516C-HD vee type by Caterpillar Inc, Peoria Illinois. 6,866bhp / 5050kW.
29.8.2015: Keel laid by Sanmar Denizcilik Makina ve Ticaret, Tuzla/Istanbul (Yard No.72)
9.4.2016: Launched as TERMINAL XIV.
25.7.2016: Completed as SANMAR TERMINAL XIV for Builder’s account.
3.2017: Sold to Svitzer EuroMed BV, (Svitzer Eastlands Ltd, Middlesbrough, technical managers) and renamed SVITZER ADIRA, for employment at Southampton.
6.2017: Removed from technical management.
5.2020: Still on SeaWeb as in service