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Old 9th March 2021, 20:11
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Malcolm G Malcolm G is online now
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Two American pilots, one flies a C130, the other an F15.
They have both been tasked with a transfer flight to another airbase and decide to fly in company.
The C130 pilot gets airborne and is joined at speed by the F15 pilot on his port side.
F15 hails C130: 'Hi, isn't that thing a bit boring?'
C130: 'What do you mean by boring?
F15: 'Just look at what this baby can do' With that he launches into aerobatics all around the C130 and then returns to station and says: 'You can't match that'
C130: 'Tell you what, I'll show you what I can do, Its about 20 minutes to the next waypoint, you just hold station and watch'
The C130 flies straight and level for near 19 minutes.
F15: 'When are you going to do something?'
C130: 'I did, I got up, went for a walk, had a cup of coffee and a doughnut, went to the john, now I'm back ready for the course alteration. Impressive eh?'
The Mad Landsman
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