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Old 25th March 2021, 15:47
Makko Mexico Makko is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Posts: 964
As you say, Tim, looking back with 20/20 hindsight, the biggest "failure" were maybe materials, tolerances and lube oils. I suppose IF a Doxford, B&W, Fullagar or even Junkers Weser were built today, they would probably be more successful.

Remember the change in cylinder lube oil to counter-affect acid rain during first manouevres, the discovery of anaerobic crankcase bacteria, etc. etc.

I looked at a MAN B&W generator set installed on a power barge in Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala. The cranshaft had sheared - The RCA found an inclusion had initiated the crack. The inclusion was below 2 microns which is the limit for detection. Even today, nothing is perfect! ........I never forget the Yanmars which were numbers 1 through 5 off the production line!.......Bit of a brown underpants job when taking the log.

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